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(in the first chapter, it was never made clear but Rex always had her walkmen and a backpack with her

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(in the first chapter, it was never made clear but Rex always had her walkmen and a backpack with her. Also the outfit on the top is what rex has been wearing the whole day)

Rex's POV

Jess knocks on Peter's door. Peter's grandpa opens the door. "Rexine and Jessica!" he exclaims. He hugs us. Peter's family is like a second family to us. Our dad was friends with his mom and apparently, Peter's dad and my mom are similar in a way.

"Did you hear?" Jess asks. "yes, it's all over the news" he says. He let's us inside. "So i'm guessing you want to stay with Peter and i?" he asks. "Yeah" i reply. "Well, alright" he decides. "Peter!" he calls. Peter runs into the room.

I've always liked Peter. he was a best friend to me, Davin and Jessica. We enjoyed some of the same things. Most girls like Jessica enjoy dolls, magazines and makeup while i enjoy comics, cartoons, Transformers and Ninja Turtles. That was how Peter and i got along. He does have a liking to me and Jess. But even though he's ten and i'm six, he mostly likes me.

"Rexine!" he exclaims. he runs up to me and Jess and hugs both of us. "Did you hear?" i ask. "About the fire and the deaths? yeah" he replies. he hugs me again. "No hug for me Pete?" Jessica asks. "Oh right" he says as he hugs Jess.

"So, wanna watch a movie?" he asks. "sure" we agree. We run into Peter's room. "so what do you wanna watch?" he asks. "Empire Strikes Back" i decide. Peter had the tape and that was our favourite movie to watch together. he popped the tape into the VCR and we started to watch.

"What do you see in this crap?" Jess asks while fiddling with one of Peter's action figures. "It's a good movie" i reply. "I've heard but what's so amazing about it?" she asks. "Well, it has action, romance and a bit of humour" Peter replies. "Whatever" Jess scoffs.

(Time Jump)

About halfway through the movie, Peter's grandpa called us to get in the car. We have to got to the hospital to visit Peter's mom. She was put in the hospital about maybe two weeks ago. We have visited her and because she and my dad are friends, she loved us like as if we were her daughters. She has cancer and everyone knows she's gonna die sooner or later.

We arrived at the hospital. We walked up to the nurse at the front deck. "Meredith Quill" Pete's grandpa tells the lady. "fallow me" she says. We arrive at the front of the room. "What relation to do have to Mrs Quill?" the nurse asks. "I'm her father and Pete's her son" Peter's grandpa replies.

the nurse stares at me and Jessica. "our father was good friends with her and also we live with them" i reply. She nods. "Wait here" Peter's grandpa orders as he walks into the hospital room.

AN//: Basically the next part will be a coy and paste version of the prologue of Call me Rex with a few minor changes. If you don't want to see the same stuff, you can skip it but i will leave another AN when it's over and some fresh writing come in.

I sit down beside my sister Jessica and Peter. I listen to my walkmen until Peter's grandpa kneels down and tells Peter something. I turn off my walkmen and tap Jessica on the shoulder. She turns to me. I point to the room Peter's mom is in.

We follow Peter inside. "Have you been fighting with the other boys again?" she asks in a very quiet voice. "the other boys didn't do anything. i just hit him with a stick" he said. "You're just like your daddy." "Hey, you got a present for Peter don't ya?" peter's grandpa asks. "Of course. Rexine, Jessica" she says to get our attention. "the other two are from your father and Julia just in case they would die they gave them to me in case they would never give them to you" she explains while touching three wrapped boxes. Peter's grandpa takes one and puts it in Peter's backpack.

Jessica picks up the other two and reads them. "Rexine, this is yours" she says. I take it and put it in my bag. "Peter, take my hand" his mother said. I look over at Peter. He reaches and tries to take it. But before he could, the line went strait. "no no NO NOOOOO!!!!!" he yelled.

His grandpa picked him up and took him out of of the room. We followed. Instantly, I saw peter run outside. I was about to run when Jessica grabbed my arm. "No rexine! You can't I already lost Davin. I can't loose you two!" she yelled. "it will just be a sec" i say. She let's go. i grab my bag and run out the door.

I kneel down beside Peter. I see him sobbing his heart out. I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

Suddenly, a bright light shot my eyes. I got up and so did peter. "MOMMMM!!!!" he yelled when we started to be picked up.

AN//: Okay Raccoons, if you didn't want to read the same thing again, here ya go

We instantly shot up onto a ship. Not a ship like the Titanic. No a ship like the Millennium Flacon or any space ship. We look around. It was very technological.

Peter took my hand and we started to walk through the ship. Soon a bunch of weird ugly guys looked at us. "Terrans" they say. "We've never tasted that before" one of them points out. Goosebumps fill my skin. Peter pushes me behind him like a hero and pulls out one of his toy guns from his backpack He aims it at them and it squirts water. I thought that was weird since it has never done that before.

Peter looked at the gun in a confused way. he put it back in his backpack. Soon we heard whistling and a floating arrow came out of nowhere. "hey, this is his son and i believe that creator's daughter" a man said/ this man had weird gear, a metal thing in his head and blue skin. He spoke with a southern accent.

"Sorry kids, so we pick ya up heh?" he asks. We nod. "What do they call ya?" he asks. "Well i'm Peter, Peter Quill" Peter says. "Im Rexine Drew" i say. "Okay but we need code names" the man said. "Well my mom used to call me Star Lord" Peter said. "Star Lord, sounds good" the man said. He looks at me. "i don't have a nickname" i point out. "Rexine" he mumbles. "Rex! that's what we'll call you, Rex!" the man exclaims. "I'm Yondu" he says while sticking out his hand to shake it. We shake his hand.

Hey Raccoons Leia here! So another chapter. Finally. So this book will have the same schedule from when i updates Street Fighters except now i will be updating Sundays as well. So in case you didn't read Street Fighters or forget the update days, this book will be updated every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

Don't forget to vote, comment, share, check out my other works and give me suggestions for this book, other books and books i should do in the future.

C u later raccoons! luv leiakatniss21

Take My Hand (a GOTG fanfic, love story and prequel to Call Me Rex)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora