Railgun meets Heatblast

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Misaka Mikoto was having an ordinary day. That meant she spent the the day dodging awkward ambushes from her friend Kuroko in the showers, than she beat up some perverted thugs in the alley way, avoided another awkward ambush from Kuroko in the bathroom, and finally, she forced Touma to watch another cheesy movie with her which ended in Index cleaning out the entire concessions stand of hotdogs. Now, she was on her way home alone, making plans to avoid another ambush from Kuroko.

"Seriously," Misaka said to herself. "What the heck is wrong with her? Do I have to keep dodging her everyday?" Misaka sighed. She took a look at her watch only to find that it had shorted out. "Stupid darn magnetic field," Misaka groaned.

She never had much luck with battery powered watches, her Esper powers always managed to keep away everything from luck with machines to cats and hooligans.

Espers were exceptional humans who possessed exceptional paranormal abilities. One would normally think espers were rare, but Acadamy City was full of them. In fact the entire point of Academy city was to study espers. The city was comprised almost entirely of dorms and schools devoted to teaching and studying espers.

Espers in this city had rankings based on how developed their abilities were that ranged from 0 to 5. Misaka was one of only seven level 5 espers in all of Academy city. This meant she was quite famous, it also meant she had a lot of annoying fans. So she in order to avoid those annoying fans, she tended to take less noticeable routes back to her dorm.

As Misaka walked through the alley way, several men with black hoodies took noticed her. After they nudged each other and snickered like a couple of brutes, they began to follow her.

This was nothing new, Misaka had dealt with bumbling Neanderthals before. How she dealt with them however, never involved calling the police. No, she preferred to teach them some respect herself.

"Hey there sweetie, where ya going?" One of the men shouted at her. "Come ere kid, we don't want much, just whatever is in that there bag ya carrying."

Misaka got a small silver coin out from her bag. One flick and this guy would never call her sweetie again. She brought her right fist out aiming at the men with the coin resting against her thumb. "I would stay back if I were you." Misaka warned. "If you don't it will only get worse for you."

One of the hoodies smiled and held up his hand. A miniature fireball danced in his palm. A pyro manipulator. Misaka guessed this guy was probably a level 2 or 3, not too much of a problem.

"Aww well, I warned you." A giant spark erupted from her hand and the coin flew forward in an intense bursting lightning bolt. The ground at the men's feet erupted into a huge crater. The hoodlums ran off crying, that's what they got for messing with the Railgun, yet somehow idiots kept coming back for for more.

"CRAAAASSSHHHH!!!!!!" Misaka cursed. She had miscalculated the shockwave that would have resulted from her blast. This resulted in the near partial collapse of a nearby building. And though she was sure the building was scheduled for demolition, she had just heard some kind of cry coming from the rubble. "Oh my God, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Misaka ran over to the rubble and started trying to dig through the broken concrete. "Is anyone in there?! Answer me!"

Suddenly an a figure burst through the concrete. It was like something out of a science fiction nightmare. The figure was completely clad in a purple and black armor. The armaments the thing wore were unlike anything Misaka had ever seen,( and Academy city had some pretty crazy tech). But the most disturbing thing was its face. The helmet the creature had been wearing had cracked open from the rubble to reveal a hideous visage covered in reptilian skin with large jaws, the creatures teeth were like serrated knives. And as if that wasn't freaky enough, the creature had three eyes on either side of its head. Misaka fell backwards in shock.

" W-what the heck are you!? " Misaka said. The creature uttered a few growling syllables in a language that was obviously not human, it then began to walk towards Misaka, both of its hands each toted a strange looking gun that was now pointed at her. Misaka couldn't move, that nightmarish face held her in place. She should have summoned her Esper powers immediately, but her shock was paralyzing.

The creature got closer, Misaka closed her eyes. That's it, she thought, this is the end. I don't even know what's killing me but I'm gonna die here. Suddenly her eyelids went orange and she opened her eyes to find the creature being driven back by an even odder creature. It was humanoid with body made completely of molten rock and heat, it's head was on fire except for a portion of its face, and on its chest was a strange round badge with a green and black hourglass design.

" SixSix, " the flame creature said in a fiery voice, " Up to some shenanigans again are we?" SixSix said something to the flame guy Misaka could have sworn were curse words judging from the tone. Heatblast, for as it so happened that was its name, blasted a few fire balls at SixSix, fireballs hotter than any level 5 fire Esper could manage in a hundred years. SixSix retreated and activated what Misaka could now see was some kind of jet pack. The creature flew off into the night sky.

Heatblast turned around to look at Misaka. "Are you alright?" Misaka didn't reply. She was looking at the small metal spike imbedded in Heatblast's side. Heatblast took a look at where Misaka was staring. "Aw crap." Heatblast had just enough time to mutter before a green light engulfed him. Standing in his place was a boy who looked just 2 years older than Misaka. The boy wore a green jacket and ordinary jeans with a black t shirt. Oh, and he still had the spike in his left side. Both the boy and Misaka looked at the spike for a few horrifying seconds. The boy looked at Misaka straight in the face, "well, that's new." And with that,the boy collapsed into Misakas arms unconscious.

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