My Friends

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Misaka Mikoto had a strange dream. She was literally walking through the universe. All around and below her there was a multitude of galaxies and nebulas. Multicolored stars hovered everywhere around her. Never before had she seen anything so beautiful. The universe was truly unmeasurable.

"Beautiful, aren't they?"

Mikoto turned around and saw something most odd to be walking around the multitude of stars with her. It was a Galvan. However this galvan was different from GreyMatter. The Galvan Mikoto was looking at looked very old. It had tentacle like objects coming from its front lips and chin that gave the look of a wispy mustache and beard. It had on a green robe and carried with it a small wizened walking stick. It was safe to say that he looked like a galvan version of Yoda.

"I could never count them all." The galvan said gesturing to the surrounding stars. "You know I actually tried to once. Nearly killed myself doing it. I forgot that there was an entire 2nd universe next door to this one."

Mikoto should have been weirded out, but she felt at ease with the little Galvan. It was as if she was walking with her grandpa, if her grandpa was a six inch tall frog alien.

"Ummm... Who are you?" Mikoto asked.

The galvan looked at Mikoto with a smile. "Ben never told you? Who do you think made that Omnitrix? Because it definitely wasn't Einstein."

"Wait, you're Azmuth!?" Ben had told Mikoto about Azmuth, the smartest being in 3 galaxies (arguably 5 galaxies). However she never thought that Azmuth would be GreyMatter's species.

"I guess Ben never told you I was a Galvan. No worries, your not the first to picture me as something a little more then 6 inches tall." Azmuth said with a chuckle. "In fact I used to walk around in a giant robot suit just so people would keep that image of me."

"You look fine to me." Mikoto said. "A lot easier to talk to then a giant robot suit."

Azmuth laughed. "I'm glad you think that, I'm tired of people trying to see me as some sort of god when I am so obviously not one."

The two of them stood together in silence for a while, just staring at the stars. After what seemed like hours, Mikoto spoke up.

"Is this a dream?" Mikoto asked. "Or am I really here?"

"That depends purely on your perspective of things." Azmuth said. "Would you consider a cerebral brainwave universal communication device the basis of a mere dream?"


"I guess you could say its a dream. But just because it's a dream, doesn't mean it isn't real." Azmuth seemed to enjoy the confusion he was causing Mikoto.

"Is that what you super geniuses do all day? Constantly find more ways to confuse us?" Mikoto said folding her arms.

Azmuth laughed. "It seems I let myself go overboard again. What I mean to say is that I am currently using an invention of mine to communicate through your brain waves. And I must say, your traits as an esper provide me with exceptionally good connection."

"So, this isn't a figment of my imagination?"

"No, more like a figment of my imagination if you put it technically."

Mikoto paused before asking her next question. "So why did you contact me?"

"Well, to put it quite simply, I would like to make a request."

Mikoto blinked in surprise. "What could I possibly do for someone like you?"

Azmuth smiled. "A lot actually, if you put your mind to it. But there is only one thing I wish of you."

A Certain Powerful Omnitrix. (とある パワ の Omnitrix)Where stories live. Discover now