Aliens and Espers

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In Academy City there was an area where forgotten leftover experiments were left to rust. It was a series of underground warehouses that didn't even show up on the Academy city maps.

Leftovers from old experiments littered the warehouses. Everything from Radiowave to Newgene had their old equipment stashed here. Even less known underworld organizations such as the Esoterica and Forever Knights kept an array of alien technology in the deeper areas of the the underground.

Secrecy and an arsenal of tech meant it was a perfect place to hide. Especially if you were an alien mercenary.

SixSix sat in the warehouse brooding on his latest failure. His helmet had been repaired and now once again hid the features that gave away the fact that he wasn't human. He and his guild members had come to this primitive planet's most technologically advanced city to hunt an esper who had a great degree of importance to their client.

Espers had always intrigued SixSix. When compared to the most aliens, humans had always been considered the physically and mentally weakest. But when espers came into existence, that had changed. Humans now had the means to create their own unique alternate realities and gain super powered abilities, something that was only thought possible through slow evolution in extremely harsh environments. Because of this SixSix never thought this job would be easy (he never picked easy jobs). He knew that the esper he was hunting in particular was a level 5, one of the most powerful in Academy City.

However, what he didn't expect, was that accursed Ben Tennyson to show up. He had been careless, he knew that Tennyson had practically showed up at every job he ever worked on this particular planet. But that had mainly been on the North American region. Because Tennyson mainly worked on the continent of his residence, SixSix never thought that he would suspect to look for alien activity in the Asian regions.

A roaring sound interrupted SixSix's thoughts. A small feminine figure in purple body armor and a jet pack similar to SixSix landed at the entrance of the ware house. EightEight walked over to SixSix and spoke to him in her strange alien language. If one translated the conversation into English, it would sound sort of like this:

"Judging from your brooding look, I take it our objective has not been achieved."

SixSix responded, "Tennyson interfered again."

EightEight, despite the helmet hiding her face, looked miffed. "That boy is becoming a nuisance".

SixSix looked at the hologram generating computer in the center of the room. The device showed everything from a map of the city, to all information on the target. EightEight aimed a device on her wrist at the computer, instantly downloading and copying all the data.

"Interesting," EightEight said, " it appears that the reason for Tennyson being here is that he is enrolled in one of the schools in this very city."

SixSix perked up. That explained Tennyson's presence in Japan. It also meant that they had an advantage. As long as they knew which school the boy was enrolled in, it was possible to destroy him discreetly. And if the target attended a separate school, that meant Tennyson wouldn't always be around to protect her. It was a perfect job for a team with greater numbers.

"Contact SevenSeven", SixSix growled. "Tell him to regroup here, I am going to contact our associates at Techadon."

EightEight nodded and turned on the com link on her helmet. SixSix looked at the picture of the target displayed on the hologram. Soon the target would be captured, and Ben 10 would be at his mercy. The target display showed a middle school aged girl with sandy brown slightly short hair.

The target was Misaka Mikoto.

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