A ChamAlien under the bed.

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Misaka half carried and half dragged the boy up the stairs of her dorm. "Come on, stay with me, don't you quit on me now." Misaka said trying to keep Ben conscious.

After Ben had initially fainted, Misaka tried her best to wake him up, knowing that losing consciousness was not ideal thing in this situation. She had managed to wake Ben up and started helping him get to her dorm. While under normal circumstances Misaka would call a hospital, but this was Academy City, where scientists turned you into a lab rat if they found out you could turn into a molten humanoid volcano. Misaka had seen first hand what it was like to be a lab rat in this city, so here she was dragging Ben to her dorm room.

Throughout the entire journey back, in order to keep him conscious, Misaka had asked Ben all sorts of questions about himself just like the Paramedics would. Misaka had learned his name, that he was 16 years old, and somehow he had used his watch to turn into that flaming creature. The rest of the stuff Ben had said was barely intelligible. Like now Ben was muttering something about Sumo Slammers and smoothies.

Finally they made it to the door of Misakas dorm room. Misaka looked back and her insides went cold. There were splotches of blood trailing from where they had come. Don't freak out now, Misaka thought to herself, just try to make sure this guy doesn't die first. Misaka opened the door.

Almost immediately her friend Kuroko leapt out at her. "Sissie, your ba-!!!" Kuroko stopped dead in her tracks, suddenly noticing Ben and the bloody spike in his side. "Mr......Smoothie.........", Ben muttered.

" Sissie, what happened!?" Misaka dragged Ben inside." No time to explain, just help me." Together she and Kuroko carried Ben onto the bed. Together they took out the medical supplies and removed the clothes from around Bens wound. Luckily Kuroko had taken classes in medicine and knew how to remove the spike without Ben losing too much blood. Finally after a lot of nervous work, Ben was sleeping soundly with a heavy bandage covering his left side. Misaka and Kuroko sat at the foot of the bed sighing with exhaustion. In Misakas right hand was the spike that had been in Bens side. Now that she held it, she could see that was made out of some kind of strange metal. It was like a thin metallic needle.

"Now, can you please tell me what's going on?" Kuroko said a little weakly. Misaka told her everything that had happened since she scared off the thugs on the way home, by the time Misaka finished her story, Kurokos mouth looked about ready to catch flies.

"So what do you think that thing was?" Kuroko asked.

Misaka shook her head, "whatever it was, it's big, mean, and has a jet pack."

Kuroko sighed. "And just when I thought this town couldn't get any stranger, guess that means more work for Judgement." Kuroko was part of a group of espers who worked like a second police to ensure order in Academy City.

"One problem though," Kuroko continued. "How am I gonna explain this? Am I supposed to tell everyone to be on the lookout for a reptile monster dressed like a high tech assassin with a jet pack?"

Misaka paused for a minute. "We can't tell anyone, if we do, we will have to explain about Ben and who knows what will happen to him?" Kuroko nodded in agreement, " true but I'm still gonna have to put out some warnings at least for a possible terrorist attack."

"Ben seemed to know it, I think he called it SixSix or something." Misaka said pondering.

"So that fire guy thing," said Kuroko said. "Any ideas on how he did that?"

Misaka scratched her chin,"he said something about his watch...... "

The two friends took a look at Bens left wrist. It was unlike any watch she had ever seen. It was green with white tubes on either side, the face was a green and black hour glass symbol, the same symbol that Ben had worn on his chest when he was a living fire cracker. It seemed to radiate energy. The energy didn't feel dangerous like Uranium, or clean like solar energy, it was just.....energy.

"Well we're not going to figure anything out just sitting here," said Kuroko. "Let's wait till he wakes up, than we can ask him."

Misaka nodded, "yeah, I guess we should clean all this up before inspection though". Inspection was a rough time in the dorms, if even a single thing was found out of place, if even a single male was found even visiting, harsh punishment would be dealt to both roommates. And considering that part of the room was covered with bloody bed sheets and open medicine bottles, and there was an injured high school age guy sleeping on the bed.......well things were going to get real messy in a different way if they didn't clean up. Misaka and Kuroko quickly started cleaning up their mess as best they could. They were just debating about how to hide Ben when the person in question stirred.

Ben opened his eyes. "Where......am I?" Ben muttered sitting up. "Wha....my shirt?" Anxious to preserve his dignity and also make sure he didn't get the wrong idea waking up in a girls dorm, instead of removing his shirt and jacket, Misaka and Kuroko merely ripped away the clothes clinging to the wound. Which meant Ben had a gaping hole in the side of his shirt.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Misaka said pushing Ben back on the bed, " but stop moving, your still injured."

Ben looked at Misaka with a dawning recognition on his face. "Your that girl, the one SixSix was after." Misaka opened her mouth to respond, but suddenly froze. She had just heard a familiar set of footsteps approaching the door.

"Hide!" Misaka and Kuroko both quickly grabbed Ben and stuffed him under the bed.

Ben let out a muffled "ouch". Misaka sat down on her bed and attempted to look casual while Kuroko jumped on to her bed. From the corner of her eye, Misaka noticed a quick flash of green light from under her bed.

A stern looking woman with glasses walked in. "Good evening Ma'am!" Both Misaka and Kuroko said at once.

The woman looked around the room than looked at Misaka. "Miss Mikoto, would you explain why there is blood on your uniform?"

Misaka felt the blood drain out of her face. " I ummm......got into an accident." Lame excuse, lame excuse, lame excuse! Misaka screamed in her head.

" Miss Mikoto please get off your bed." Kuroko gave Misaka a terrified look that plainly said ' she knows!' Misaka got off the bed while the woman took a look under the bed. The woman looked back at Misaka.

" I will let you go this time Miss Mikoto, but rest assured, should I find anything......unruly...........I will make sure you will receive harsh punishment."

The door closed and it wasn't until the last of the steps faded away that Misaka looked under the bed, " Kuroko, Bens gone!!"

All of a sudden a voice came out of nowhere. " Man, that was close."

Kuroko screamed. Right next to her a creature appeared out of nothing like a mirage did when it went from transparent to solid looking. The creature looked like a 5 foot tall lizard. It's slick scaly skin had a gray camouflage design. The top of its head and the area surrounding its eyes were completely back along with a shark fin like thing on the top of its head. It had three pupiless eyes, the left being blue, the right red, and the center being a bright green.

"Sorry", the creature said to Kuroko. "I have this habit of freaking people out...a lot."

Misaka looked at the creature and saw that the same hourglass symbol from Ben's watch was on a badge like structure on its chest. " Ben, is that you?"Misaka asked.

"Yep, it's me" answered Ben/lizard thing. The lizard creature pressed the emblem on its chest. Another green light flashed. And Ben was suddenly standing where the lizard once stood.

" I can't say I knew exactly what was going on, but I thought there might be trouble for you if someone found me here."

After finishing his sentence he doubled over, his face scrunched up in pain. Misaka helped Ben into a chair ( Kuroko was still trying to catch her breath after the initial shock of meeting a giant chameleon). First the pyro creature, now an invisible lizard, what was this guy? " How did you do that?" Misaka asked.

Ben raised his left hand to show his watch. It's this machine called the Omnitrix, it holds the DNA of over a million aliens."

Kuroko laughed, "aliens, right...and I suppose your going to tell me that the thing that attacked Sissy was an alien." Ben looked at Kuroko silently.

"Well it looks like you have a lot to explain," Misaka said, " No time like the present." And so Ben explained.

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