Declaration of War

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The next day Ben went to class for the first time in 3 weeks. Ben's high school was was a large mansion like building which had the deceiving look of a prestigious school. In reality the school was the same as any regular high school. As it turned out, the school board felt students would perform better if they were surrounded by classy looks. Of course that terrible theory had absolutely no merit. Ben walked into his classroom to find his teacher Mr. Kimmimaru , staring at him as evilly as Vilgax would if he were to tell Vilgax that he looked like a cupcake. This was nothing new though, Mr. Kimmimaru hated Ben almost as much as Vilgax did. The entire class that had already arrived held their breaths.

"Hello Tennyson, can you please tell me why you were absent from school for 3 weeks?" Mr Kimmimaru whispered.

Ben handed Kimmimaru the sheet of paper that Tsuchimikado had handed him on the plane.

" program in London. Well that explains 2 and a half weeks, but what about the days before then?"

Ben didn't know what to say. It wasn't as if he could just say, 'I got injured fighting a murderous alien mercenary.'

"Ummmmm......... Flu?"

Kimmimaru seemed to get a little more livid. "Well then Tennyson....that's detention every day then for the next half week, unless you have any other appointments."

"Actually I have a make up class with a Miss Komoe every week." Ben said really wishing that he was at that make up class right now.

"Well, then Mr Tennyson, then today is your lucky day, instead of detention I will give you a 20 page essay on the properties of telekinesis in esper development. Have it in by tomorrow".

As Ben walked back to his seat trying to avoid the sympathetic looks of his fellow classmates he could only think about how he was definitely going to have to use Brainstorm again.

After class, Ben prepared to go to the parking lot. He had promised that he would pick Mikoto up from Tokwadai and they would drive to the make up class together. The problem was that in this area, the nearest legal parking area was about a 30 minute walk from here. Which meant Ben would have to run if he wanted to beat traffic, or he could go XLR8. Ben was about to activate his Omnitrix when he suddenly noticed a black limo parked out front. Noticing the the engine was still running, Ben ran over to the limo and knocked on the front windshield.

"Excuse me, you do know that you can't park here right?"

The back window of the window rolled down. Ben looked at it wondering if it was some sort of invitation and walked over to the open window. The person he saw sitting inside the limo nearly made him choke. It was a boy who looked exactly like Ben only his hair was white and his eyes were red instead of green. And while Ben was wearing the black windbreaker and white T shirt he got from London, this guy was wearing a red tuxedo. (Seriously, can someone say evil satan look?).

"Albedo," Ben growled. "You look well."

"Tennyson." Albedo said. "You look as pathetic as ever."

"Wow we really do look alike." Ben said mockingly. "You want to go a couple rounds now, or would you prefer somewhere else?"

"Actually I just came to make you an offer, and to give you a ride." Albedo gestured over to the seat next to him. "Care to join me?"

Ben looked at Albedo suspiciously. "What do want to talk about?"

"I prefer it nobody observed our conversation. No worries, I promise not to make an attempt on your life, not today at least."

Ben opened the door and got in. Next to him Albedo called out for the driver to take them to the parking lot where Ben had his car parked.

A Certain Powerful Omnitrix. (とある パワ の Omnitrix)Where stories live. Discover now