The Test

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" Sorry, run it by me again." Mikoto had just finished listening to a lengthy escape plan made by Ben Tennyson.

"Okay," Ben said trying to summarize the reasoning of his escape plan. "You know how the diffusion field Tsuchimikado mentioned shuts off supernatural powers right? But my alien powers aren't supernatural, my aliens use abilities that are developed naturally over a long period of adaptation. Shooting lightning for AmpFibian is like clapping your hands, their bodies are naturally built for this sort of thing. Espers and Magicians on the other hand, have to use stuff like drugs and magic to develop their abilities unnaturally. Hence they are supernatural."

Mikoto understood. " so if we can just free your Omnitrix, you could go Rath or something, and we could break out."

But Ben wasn't done. "It's too easy though. Why did they let you keep your esper powers in an area where you can easily break my restraint if they didn't want us to escape? It's like they want us to break out."

Mikoto agreed, the way Tsuchimikado had emphasized the word 'supernatural' earlier seemed way too obvious, and wasn't it the job of a double agent like Tsuchimikado to lie?

"So". Ben said with a glint in his eyes. "We will just have to play them instead."

Mikoto looked confused. "And how exactly are we going to do that?"

Ben grinned. "Ever heard of 'safety in numbers?"

"Calm down Agnese, what's happening?" Stiyl asked trying to affirm the situation over the phone. Agnese's panicked voice came back over the phone.

" The boy escaped like we planned, but the form he used, we couldn't use our directional spell on it, there was just too many of them."

Stiyl didn't understand. "What do you mean them!?"

Agnese's voice came back through the speaker. " The alien Tennyson used. He called it EchoEcho. It can clone itself!!!!"

Stiyl nearly dropped the phone. They hadn't accounted for this.

Tsuchimikado, who happened to be standing next to Stiyl, laughed. "Now that's Benjy for you, way to play the chess board Tennyson."

In a chair nearby sat Laura Stuart. "My, my. It seems Tennyson was a perfect choice after all."

The streets of London were in absolute chaos. Multiple little white robotic looking creatures that somewhat resembled humanoid loud speakers with headphones, were heading in every direction.

While EchoEcho might have seemed harmless at first, each clone had the ability to create a powerful sound blast that could shatter steel and render large enemies incapacitated.

Mikoto and three of the Echo clones were running through an alley way. The plan had been to let all the other EchoEchos distract the army of nuns in town while a smaller amount went with Mikoto to a train station nearby. The rest of the Echos would than regroup three at a time so as not to attract too much attention.

After Ben had merged back into one EchoEcho he would change into ChamAlien and sneak out. It was a plan with a lot of holes, for one thing, they hadn't accounted for how citizens would react to sudden influx of aliens fighting church people. Of course the result had been that citizens were now running around in panic. Mikoto wasn't worrying about that at the moment though. What was really bothering her was where she and Ben were going to regroup once she got on a train and Ben snuck out. They were in an unfamiliar country, being miles apart was a dangerous thing. Though Ben assured Mikoto he had aliens that could track her, she was still worried. What if Ben got captured before he managed to find her?

After a few kilometers of running they finally made it to Kings Cross station and started running to the nearest train with the most immediate departure time they could find. People stared, Mikoto couldn't blame them, she was running through the station with three 3 foot robot like aliens while wearing pajamas. Suddenly the Echos stopped. Mikoto stopped running as well.

"What is it?"

One of the EchoEchos pointed ahead. "There," it said in a metallic voice.

Stiyl Magnus stood before them. He threw down one of his rune cards and said, "I make this place my sanctuary."

Instantly pedestrians and people started walking away as if on some urgent business.

"There", Stiyl said. "Now we can get down to business." Stiyl's right hand was suddenly alight with flames.

All three EchoEchos immediately stood in front of Mikoto and opened their mouths. Knowing what was coming Mikoto covered her ears. Three vibrating looking sound blasts shot out at Stiyl. Stiyl was instantly knocked back several meters.

But the fight wasn't done yet. Several nuns carrying weapons (swords and spears) closed in from all directions. Mikoto summoned a huge burst of energy and stomped on the ground causing lightning to spread along the ground to all the nuns instantly paralyzingly them. But more nuns suddenly came out of the shadows.

Tsuchimikado walked out from behind a stone pillar. "One weakness with your strategy Monster Kid. You may be able to multiply, but Mikoto can't."

The EchoEchos started chuckling. "Thing is, you can't multiply either."

And suddenly a giant wave of alien clones stampeded from all directions, closing in on Tsuchimikado and the nuns. During the time they had entered the station, the EchoEcho clones that went with Mikoto had created several hundred more clones.

Tsuchimikado sighed. "Looks like you passed the test, Monster Kid."

Laura Stuart sat in her seat in an empty elegant chapel watching the scene that was unfolding in Kings Cross station from a large viewing monitor.

"I think I have seen enough. It's time to for the true purpose of our meeting to be known."

Laura snapped her fingers, and Kings Cross Station suddenly glowed with a radiant light.

A Certain Powerful Omnitrix. (とある パワ の Omnitrix)Where stories live. Discover now