The Larger Crisis.

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"No way!!" Stiyl was walking with Laura Stuart, the pope of the English Puritan Church, through a tranquil garden. The gardens peacefulness was currently being broken by the exclamations of Stiyl Magnus.

"A secondary alliance between Science and Magic, can that really happen?!"

Laura Stuart continued to look calm and collected. "It is happening right now dear Stiyl. Investigations have led us to believe that the Roman Catholic Church has formed an alliance with a group of science radicals from America that specialize in espers and alien technology. With help from that organization, the Roman Catholics were able to communicate with and hire high class alien mercenaries. There target, as it so happens, is that girl currently in our custody. For now it seems that they have enlisted the help of a cult called the Fist of Cthulhu, and the American company is reaching out to a sister company called Radiowave."

Stiyl cooled down a notch. "Does anyone know why the Roman Catholic Church would want a level 5 esper?"

Laura Stuart brushed her hair aside casually. "No, but there are theories, the most likely is that Touma Kamijou gave her something of deep importance to look after, other than that, ideas are rather slim." The two figures continued to walk through the garden.

"Where is the esper now?" Laura inquired.

"In one of the safe houses north of Kings Cross station."Stiyl replied. "As I understand, they are giving her the best hospitality they can manage."

"And Tennyson?"

"The same with him, but we fit an iron brace around that watch of his, for some reason we can't remove it."

Laura Stuart smiled. "Of course not, Aleister did say the Omnitrix was fused to the boy's DNA." Laura breathed in the fresh air. "Stay on standby for now dear Stiyl. I believe Tsuchimikado will now handle the rest."

When Mikoto woke up, the first thing she thought was: this isn't Ben's room. She was lying in a comfy feather mattress in a quaint room that had a desk with a lampshade on it. On another bed nearby sat Ben who looked like he had seen better days.

"Morning, looks like we've been kidnapped." Ben held up his left hand which was clad in a large metal bracelet that covered his Omnitrix. The bracelet was connected to a large iron chain that was bolted to the floor. Kidnapped?! Mikoto looked at herself. She was still wearing the same pajamas she had worn at Ben's dorm. However, she didn't find any restraints or chains to speak of. It seemed like these people considered Ben's ability to turn into aliens the only threat.

Mikoto frantically looked out the window. Instead of the futuristic Academy city, Mikoto saw what looked like a different city, a city she had been to before on a cultural field trip. It was London.

"How did we get here!?" Mikoto said taken aback.

Ben sighed. "What I would really like to know is why we are here." Ben explained what had happened the previous night.

"Stiyl!?" But I thought he was some friend of Touma's. What the heck was he doing?"

Ben shook his head. "I don't know, but if what I guessed is right, they were probably testing me for something, I just wish I knew what."

At that moment, the door opened and a teenage nun walked in holding two trays each laden with bacon and eggs on fine delicate plates. She set the trays on each bedside table and walked out, closing the door behind her before Mikoto could say anything.

"A sister!? What kind of crazy prison is this?!" Mikoto cried out, sparks jumped from her brow, a sure sign of stress. "And wasn't my mouth injured from surgery? How did it heal so quickly!?" Mikoto had just noticed the lack of pain in her mouth.

"Mikoto calm down." Ben said. "It doesn't look like they want to hurt us for now. Let's just calm down and figure this out. They may have restrained my Omnitrix, but you still have your esper powers." That was right, Ben was the only one with any handicaps. If Mikoto wanted she could use electricity to melt the restraints on Ben and together, she and Ben could escape.

"The fact that they didn't restrain your powers either means they don't know your a level 5, or that they want us to trust them." Ben said. "I think its best if we see how this plays out."

Mikoto nodded and silently promised herself that if anything looked like it was going to go wrong, she would even fill that nun with a million volts.

Just as she was contemplating how she would protect the both of them, the door opened again to reveal none other then the grinning face of Tsuchimikado.

"Hello friends of Kamy, sorry about the circumstances, but I thought things would be easier this way."

Ben's face suddenly took on a cautious look. "Who are you?"

It was Mikoto who answered. "Tsuchimikado Motoharu, I know his step sister."

Tsuchimikado laughed. "Very good, my sis talks about you pretty often." Tsuchimikados sister was in training to become a maid in Academy City.

"What are you doing here Tsuchimikado? What do you have to do with all of this?"

Tsuchimikado grinned again. "Sure, I'll explain all to both of you in time, but first I wanna check if you at least know the basics. I'm sure you are familiar with Necessarius?"

Both Mikoto and Ben responded, "yes". Mikoto looked at Ben in surprise.

"My grandpa is a member of the intergalactic police called the Plumbers. They kind of make it their business to know everything, alien or otherwise."

Tsuchimikado gave another laugh. "Very very good. This will make my explaining a whole lot easier for sure. You see this house is one of the bases of Necessarius, the English church's magical devision. As you puppies already probably know, there are a couple of very nasty alien mercenaries after you. You see, Necessarius has reason to believe this incident is magic related, so I've been ordered to keep you detained until the whole thing breezes over."

Tsuchimikado nodded at Mikoto's and Ben's astonished expression. "Yeah, that's right, I'm a member of Necessarius too. You see I'm kind of a double agent between the science and magic side. A spy. And I've also kept my fair share of tabs on Earths alien population as well."

Ben spoke up again. "What do you mean keep us detained? You aren't really expecting us to stay here until SixSix gives up do you? Because giving up is not really his thing."

Tsuchimikado shrugged. "I'm afraid that's how things stand with my superiors. Sorry, if this SixSix guy really is as tenacious as you say, than you better get comfortable because it looks like you won't be allowed outside for a loooong time."

Tsuchimikado turned to leave. "By the way, I wouldn't try using your esper abilities outside the room. We cast a diffusion spell around this house. Except in this room you can't use any super natural abilities."

Was Mikoto imagining it, or did Tsuchimikado emphasize the word 'supernatural' as if he was hinting at something?

Tsuchimikado closed the door behind him. That was phase two of the test complete. Now time to see if they were up to the task at hand. The nun that had served the food earlier, Agnese, came up to him.

"Our guards are ready, I told them to use maximum force, but to retreat the moment they gain the upper hand."

Tsuchimikado nodded. "Good, when they escape, use some direction distortion enchantments to direct them to the second destination. Don't let them see you though, we have to make them think it was their own decision."

Yes....everything was going just as the pope had said.

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