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Aleister floated in his tank, thinking about the crazed events that had happened recently. About how the recent intruders were recently taken care of. How Radiowave was still running. And how the boy Ben Tennyson had turned out much more interesting then he had predicted previously. On a large screen in front of him, the image of Laura Stuart sat in a stone throne like chair, brushing her lengthy hair.

"So, that went less smoothly then I imagined." Laura said with a small smile. "Did you plan to let Misaka Mikoto get captured dear Aleister?"

"I admit, it was a rather unforeseen event on my part." Aleister said. "But in the end it all turned out for the best. Because of Albedo's rashness, Tennyson was able to obtain the Ultimatrix. A rather useful upgrade for our little weapon, if I do say so myself."

"So I take it the world knows of Tennyson's powers now?" Laura asked.

"Yes." Aleister said. "I was able to upload all the security videos taken in Academy City of Ben using the Omnitrix. The media is now alerted, as well as the rest of the scientific community. At this rate Ben Tennyson should be a world wide celebrity by next week."

Laura sighed. "So you really plan to use Tennyson as both a mascot and a weapon. But besides that, there is probably a different reason to this. Not that I wish to pry into what that reasoning might be, but I feel I must warn you......be weary of Azmuth."

Aleister smiled. "Don't think I have not considered the risks involved with my plans, I am well aware of Azmuth knowing my part in all of this. But as long as he is bound by Galactic Law, he will not be able to interfere too much in my plan."

"So what has happened to Tennyson?"

"He collapsed after he defeated Albedo, it seems that Albedo's Omnitrix was permanently damaged in the process. So it's safe to assume that Albedo won't be making many moves in the near future. Ben Tennyson was brought to a hospital, along with Misaka Mikoto and some others. It seems Tennyson was the only one who received extremely dangerous injuries though. So it seems he is still at the hospital now. Though I have no doubt that the Omnitrix will speed up his recovery."

"So how long do you plan to delay the reparations of the Tokwadai Middle School Dorms?" Laura asked with an amused look on her face.

"Indefinitely. I think it wise for both of us, that we keep those two close together for now. I presume that you will keep Agnese Sanctis there as well?"

"Yes, Stiyl has other matters to tend to, and Tsuchimikado cannot watch both Tennyson and Kamijou on his own."

"Well then." Said Aleister with a broad smile on his face. " I think that we can move on to phase two."

In a hospital not far from Ben's dorm, a brown haired boy with a peculiar green watch lay sleeping. The doctors had been baffled by this particular arrival. It seemed he had been I a rather severe fight. His bones had almost completely shattered, his ribcage had been in peaces, and his skull had been fractured. However, almost overnight, the boys injuries had healed as if by some sort of supernatural force. His bones went right back to the way they were, his skull defractured and returned to the original shape before it had been fractured. The only thing that hadn't healed yet were his broken arm and leg. That wasn't the only strange thing though. Try as they might, the doctors could not remove the boy's watch. They tried everything from screw drivers to bone saws, but the green watch did not even receive a scratch. Finally the doctors let it be. The watch didn't seem to be impeding the healing process anyways.

However, the oddness still didn't stop. Because the boy got a visitor that day. And a pretty well known visitor at that. In fact the nurses were all gossiping about how strange it was that the number 3 would come to visit such a strange boy.

Ben opened his eyes. Sunlight was streaming through the window. On his hospital bed side table sat a ginormous vase of flowers. According to the note attached to the vase, it had come from Touma's home class.

Now why would Touma go through that much trouble? Ben thought groggily.

"Good morning Sunshine. I guess the dead do rise on this fine day." Misaka Mikoto was sitting at Ben Tennyson's bedside holding a card and some 'get well soon' balloons.

"Mikoto, what happened?" Ben sat up. "Did we-?"

Mikoto grinned. "Easy Mr Hero, we got them. Those guys you called the Plumbers already picked up those mercenaries last week. Albedo is currently being allowed to keep running his company under strict observation. You might say that he's under some kind of house arrest."

Ben nearly choked on his own uvula. "Last week!? What do you mean last week!?"

Mikoto's face fell slightly. "You were out for a while, some of the doctors actually thought you might go into a coma, but thankfully they were able to find a way to wake you up slightly so that you would be conscious today. So here I am."

A whole week. Ben didn't want to think about how much homework he had missed, he still hadn't turned in that essay to Mr Kimmimaru. Between the tongue lashing he was going to receive and fighting another alien psychopath, Ben thought he would like to take another round with the alien psychopath.

Mikoto seemed to read Ben's mind. "Don't worry, I'll help you with any homework you missed. But no going Brainstorm or GreyMatter. This time, you're going to learn this stuff properly, got it?"

Ben nodded. "Thanks Mikoto, your a life saver."

Mikoto paused as if she was hesitant about something. Then she did something that caught Ben completely off guard. She walked over to Ben........and hugged him.

Ben opened his mouth and closed it. Then he said the only thing he could bring to his lips at the moment.


"You know Ben." Mikoto said. "I was wondering....why was the Omnitrix created?"

Ben took a moment to think. "You ever heard of intergalactic peace between all races?"

"Sounds pretty nice." Mikoto said with a smile.

"Well, with hugs like that.......Who needs the Omnitrix?"


A Certain Powerful Omnitrix. (とある パワ の Omnitrix)Where stories live. Discover now