Judgement of EightEight

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Shirai Kuroko was at her wits end. She and Judgement had searched everywhere for Ben and Mikoto but still they turned up nothing. She had first noticed something was wrong when she woke up in the morning to find the living room Ben's dorm full of scorch marks and wet pieces of paper. She could tell that some huge fight had taken place. She knew Mikoto hadn't become involved. Whenever she fought, electrical appliances had a tendency to short out, and there were no signs of anything like that. Which meant Ben must have fought somebody alone. After discovering that scene, she found a note saying that both Mikoto and Ben were alright and would return at a later date. Like Kuroko was going to listen to some stupid note someone she didn't know when the room clearly told her that someone was taken against their will. And after she had done so many investigations with Judgement on this matter, she could only conclude one thing: SixSix. That had to be the culprit. That freaky terminator reptile had messed with Kuroko's Sissy and she wasn't going to stand for it. Oh yeah, and Ben should be rescued too, eventually. Now Kuroko was at Judgement headquarters shifting through paperwork looking for reports of any strange sightings of an armed assailant when she finally came across something interesting. A person with a similar look to the description of SixSix was seen flying around the newly reinstated Radiowave building. Kuroko quickly dialed a number on her cell phone. "Hey Kazari, I need a favor, do you think you could get me a pass into Radiowave?"

5 hours later, Kuroko was walking into the main lobby of Radiowave's main building. The lobby looked absolutely spectacular, with everything from an indoor pool to 50 inch screens on the walls, Kuroko had to admit, the new CEO had class. Now to business. Kuroko walked up to the front desk lady.

"Excuse me, I need to get to the upper levels." Kuroko said. The lady looked at the badge strapped to Kuroko's arm.

"So you are from Judgement weekly inspection, do you have your pass?"

Kuroko took out the pass that she got from her computer specialist friend Kazari.

In Academy City after the World War 3* incident, all companies were required to submit to inspection at random intervals by Judgement. There was always a designated officer for the job who got a pass that would get them limited access into the company. Emphasis on limited. There were areas that companies were allowed to keep under wraps so as to preserve competition. Which also meant that inspection was pretty much useless. Unless you were a sneaky teleporter. And Kuroko was a sneaky teleporter (especially that time she snuck into Mikoto's underwear drawer). The lady nodded at Kuroko.

"You may start your inspection on the second floor, would you like me to call a guide over?"

"No thank you,"Kuroko said. "I'll be just fine." Kuroko walked over to the elevator and got in.

The moment the elevator doors closed Kuroko got out her cell phone on which Kazari had downloaded the newest complete blueprint of the building. The blueprint showed every restricted area that was restricted to both inspectors and employees. Kuroko looked for the room that Kazari had pointed out had the most security. It was on the eleventh floor and was simply marked as RESTRICTED.

"Looks like as good a place as any to start looking." Kuroko muttered to herself.

She pressed the button for the Eleventh floor and waited while the elevator music played.the elevator door finally opened and Kuroko stepped off. The eleventh floor lobby was nearly exactly the same as the first floor. Only there was no pool, no people, and the lights were off. Kuroko walked through the dark deserted floor until she came to the door she was looking for, room number1701. The front area was protected by lasers and an electric floor. Summoning her esper powers, Mikoto disappeared and instantly rematerialized just past the security system. As a level 4 esper, Kuroko's powers were limited to a certain distance, so she couldn't just teleport into the restricted room all the way from her dorm. But teleporting past the door from here was no problem. Kuroko concentrated again and teleported once more. She opened her eyes to find she was inside some sort of command center. Computers were everywhere. Kuroko ran over to the nearest console and immediately called Kazari on her phone.

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