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Aleister silently floated in his upside down state in the tank full of red liquid. Something interesting had come to his attention. It appeared Academy City once again had intruders.

But this time it wasn't from the Magic side or Science side. Rather more of a neutral presence. One that that did not care for either side, despite its deep involvement in both.

The new party Aleister was thinking of was none other than Aliens. While one would normally think aliens were bent towards the science side, there were so many varieties out there with so many different beliefs, unless one looked at a singular species, it was impossible to tell which side every alien was on.

One example were galvans and annodites. Annodites were beings completely comprised of magic energy (or mana, which is what they called it). While galvans on the other hand were intellectual beings who devoted their entire time to studying new technologies.

A greater example were celestialsapiens, whose transcendent existence existed both within and beyond the realms of magic and science. Even humans were an example. If you looked at it from the point of view of another species, homosapiens would without a doubt, be considered aliens.

It was a party with too many factions and too many differing views. Aleister even wondered whether it should even be considered a third side in the conflict between magic and science. "Magicians, Espers, and Aliens. How intriguing." Aleister said out loud. " I am most eager to see the outcome of this new turning point."

All of a sudden, two espers teleported in, each one bringing with them a second person. The espers then teleported away leaving the figures of Stiyl Magnus and Tsuchimikado Motoharu.

"So", the red haired priest Stiyl said. "What's with the big emergency meeting?"

Aleister remained silent for a moment before responding, "it appears we have an intruder."

This time Tsuchimikado spoke up. "That ones a bit obvious, but you wouldn't call us down here if it were any ordinary intruder. So, is it another sorcerer?"

Aleister smiled. "Actually, it turns out our intruders are not of this planet. I am of course, speaking of extraterrestrials."

Stiyl looked bewildered. "But an alien hasn't come to this planet since Dagain the Destroyer."

Tsuchimikado laughed. "According to your church records yeah, but records on the science side say that aliens have been continuing activity on this planet ever since Dagain in secrecy. You don't have to worry though, it's only mercenaries and conquerors who ever cause trouble. The rest are just residents or tourists."

Stiyl nearly choked on his cigar. "R-residents?"

Aleister decided to resume before Stiyl had a nervous breakdown. "As it so happens, the intruders are a band of of mercenaries from an infamous guild known throughout the galaxy as the Deadly 12. These intruders are merely three of the twelve total members." Tsuchimikados sunglasses gave a dangerous glint. "So what do you want us to do?"

Aleister gave a thin smile. "There is a certain boy by the name of Ben Tennyson. He is currently staying at the dorm of another individual who is rather important to this issue. I would like for you to retrieve them both. When you have done so, the pope will fill you in on the rest. And I would also like you to retrieve Kamijou Touma."

Tsuchimikado looked taken aback. "Kamy? What is Imagine Breaker gonna do against Aliens?"

Aleister smiled a little broader this time. "Nothing. This time I require a different service from Mr Kamijou ."

Tsuchimikado remained silent for a minute. "Fine, guess I'll find out later." Aleister smiled very wide this time. Everything was turning very interesting indeed.

For those of you who were wondering what in the world had happened to Ben and Mikoto after the Techadon attack, here is a basic summary:. After Ben and Mikoto escaped from the building, they went to Ben's dorm. As it turned out, most of the dorms in Learning Garden area had been blasted to bits by two more Techadon Robots. In order to fight the robots, Ben had turned into Rath and smashed the robots to bits. Fearing that Mikoto might have been a secondary target for harboring him, Rath had recklessly run to Tokwadai Middle school (all the while smashing cars and shrubbery out of his way) until he finally saw the last Techadon approaching Mikoto from an open window, and smashed through the wall to fight it. Of course what happened then was elaborated in the previous chapter.

Now Ben, Mikoto, were sitting in Bens dorm about 5 hours later. Ben sat on a long couch in front of an old tv while Mikoto sat on a chair not far off with her head on the dining table.

Suddenly, Kuroko materialized in the living room. Ben sat up while Mikoto raised her head.

"So, here is the basic sum of it all,"Kuroko announced. "All classes from the schools in the Learning Garden have been canceled until further notice. Plus we have been given permission to stay with other dorms until they finish repairing everything."

Mikoto groaned. "Who are we going to stay with? Ruiko and Kazari are still at that stupid exchange student thing, and Touma already has Index to look after."

Ben tentatively spoke up. " can stay with me?"

Kuroko let out a harrumph. "Oh really, I suppose you have a place for sissy to sleep? Do you have a place for her delicate beauty to wash? Can you control your mannish desires? Not to mention Sissy needs to get her wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, are you gonna drive her?"

Ben responded simply with. "I have one extra bedroom, I'll sleep on the couch. And I'm pretty sure every dorm in academy city has at least one shower. Plus I have a car, so of course I can drive her. And finally, if I so much as touch any of you in the wrong place on purpose, than I give you full permission to zap me with a million volts and teleport me down the nearest mine shaft." Kuroko opened her mouth, then closed it.

This time Mikoto spoke. "Ben we appreciate the offer, but you don't have to drive me anywhere, your still injured."

Ben waved his hand, "I'll be fine, I took down three killer robots didn't I?"

Mikoto looked at Bens side. He had gotten a new black t shirt but the bump where the mass of bandages were hidden, was still slightly visible. Plus during Rath's fight with the Techadons earlier, she had noticed a painful looking scar on Rath's side. Apparently Ben's injuries extended to his transformations as well. Because of that he must have been exhausted, especially considering the blood he had lost when he was initially injured. But Ben wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Whether you stay or not, I'll drive. Your definitely are gonna need someone to drive you back after the anesthesia wears off. Trust me I've had to get my wisdom teeth removed too."

Mikoto sighed. This guy.... "Fine I guess we'll stay with you then."

Kuroko looked dumbfounded. That expression quickly changed to ' if you even dare make a move on my Sissy....' And Kuroko finally stormed off saying, " I'm going to see if I can salvage any of our stuff from the wreckage."

Ben watched her leave and said, "I'm going to go see if I can buy you some toiletries real quick." Ben fiddled with his watch until the face plate popped up to display the hologram of one of his aliens. He than kept turning the dial on the watch until he reached the hologram he wanted and pressed down the face plate. One flash of green light later and Ben was a red manta ray like creature with green eyes and lightning patterns down its back.

JetRay moved over to an open window and flew out faster then a rocket, leaving Mikoto alone in the dorm.

Mikoto walked over to the couch and practically collapsed in it. This was going to be a very long semester.

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