Innocentius V.S. WaterHazard

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"Owwww, it hurts." Mikoto was finally completely off the anesthesia, this meant she was both sane again, and the puffy side of her mouth was very sore. VERY sore.

Mikoto lay on Ben's couch with the ice pack clasped to the side of her mouth. Ben was in the kitchen fixing dinner. Mikoto's spiky haired friend Touma Kamijou was sitting in a sofa opposite the couch. A little white haired nun dressed in gold and white named Index was standing next to the kitchen with a watering mouth.

"Try not to talk so much." Touma said. "The pain only worsens if you open your mouth." Mikoto gave a sad "mmmfff".

"Toooouuuuummmmmaaaaaaa". Index moaned, when are we going to eat?"

Touma groaned. "Index you just ate three minutes ago, and three minutes before that, and three minutes before then too. Ben is making that specially for Mikoto-"

Index stomped her foot. " Touma, all you ever talk about is Ms Shorthair here. Why can't you ever think about how I am here dying of starvation! Oh Touma!!" Index leapt on top of Touma's head and chomped down on it like a predator.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhggghhghgh, Index!!"

Touma had heard about the incident with Tokwadai middle school so he had come to see if Mikoto and Kuroko had settled down alright. Of course he wasn't aware that the school was attacked by powerful Alien robots.

Ben came in from the kitchen with a large bowl of pudding. "Here you go Mikoto. Pudding, as smooth as they come".

Mikoto took the bowl gloomily. She wanted to eat something solid for once. She had awoken on the couch just an hour earlier. She barely remembered what had happened when she was loopy, and she still couldn't believe that she had nearly caused Ben to get into an accident. It was all rather embarrassing. What Mikoto still didn't know about, was that halfway through the drive back, they were attacked by a deranged alien mercenary and then saved by an elemental flame creature.

Ben felt that it was probably better to do some investigating before telling her. He was beginning to have suspicions to the reasons that aliens were now gathering around Mikoto and not just him. After all, he had only known Mikoto for about three days, it wouldn't make sense to try the "I'm going to kill every one you care about" tactic on her. Then again, friendship in SixSix's species might have had different customs.

And what about that flame creature? It definitely wasn't alien. After meeting annodites and fighting against sorcerers like Hex Lord, Ben knew when he was dealing with something related to magic or the occult. That thing had the same primal feeling to it, the same unbound ferocity that mana supplied. (Mana as it turns out was only a branch of magic in the Ben 10 universe, there were many other kinds as well).

"Well, I'm off." Touma said dragging a disappointed Index with him.

"It was nice meeting you Touma". Ben leaned in and whispered. "I can see why Mikoto likes you".

Mikoto who just barely heard the whispered remark, went completely red in the face. "Mm-mmmmmffffff!!!!!"

Later that night, after Kuroko and Mikoto had gone to bed, Ben was on the phone with his cousin Gwen.

"So", Ben asked. "Did you find anything?"

Gwen's voice came back a little staticky though the phone. "Not much. Your right about them being after someone that isn't you though, and other reports say they were recently demanding refunds from Techadon, so I'm pretty sure the 12 is behind that other incident too."

Ben sighed, so Mikoto might actually be the target after all. "Anything on that other bounty hunter?" Ben asked.

"Yes, apparently she's EightEight, supposedly she's famous for beating down thirteen prison sentinels with nothing but her bare hands and a turnip."

Ben raised his eyebrows. "A turnip?"

Gwen spoke back more amused this time. "It's a long story, but apparently she was a kid raiding a high class fortresses cafeteria back then."

Ben paused a bit, imagining a baby girl version of SixSix robbing his high school cafeteria. "Well thanks Gwen, keep in touch okay. Tell Kevin I said hi."

Gwen seemed to send a 'I miss you' through the phone. "I will." The phone hung up.

Ben set the phone on his dining table. He was just about to go take a shower, when he felt it. Someone unfamiliar was in the room with him. "You might as well come out." Ben said inching his hand over the Omnitrix.

A man stepped out of the shadows in the dark living room. He had red long hair and gold earrings. Under one of his eyes was something that looked like a barcode. He wore jet black robes and had a cigar in his mouth. The man breathed out some smoke. "How did you know?"

Ben grinned without any friendliness in his smile. "Who wouldn't notice if someone was smoking up a storm in his living room."

The man chuckled. "You have a point." The man gave a serious glint. "Ben Tennyson, I have been ordered to bring both you and Misaka Mikoto with me. Come quietly and I won't have to resort to force."

Ben's grin vanished. "You don't seem to know who your dealing with, not that I blame you, I do like to keep my powers a secret anyways."

The man gave a grin similar to the one Ben wore before. "Actually your the one who doesn't know what he's dealing with." The man held his hand up, from it, what must have been hundreds of pieces of paper with black symbols on them instantly spread all over the room. Instantly, the elemental flame beast from before burst into being in front of Ben, roaring its desire to consume everything.

"I am Stiyl Magnus. My magic name is Fortis931. And this flaming friend of mine is Innocentius." Innocentius gave a bellowing roar, and though the air around him heated up significantly, somehow he didn't burn everything in the room. Definitely magic.

" I have a friend of my own" Ben shouted as the ever familiar green light surrounded him once more.

Ben became a humanoid red crustacean like creature, it's armor gleamed in the firelight and seemed to suck the moisture from the air. "Stiyl Magnus, meet WaterHazard." WaterHazard shouted thrusting out his hands.

All of a sudden, two jets of water powerful enough to punch through titanium blasted from WaterHazards hands straight into Innocentius. Innocentius seemed to get smaller for a moment before digging its firey talons into the floor to avoid getting swept away. Ben's furniture now looked wet. Note to self, Ben thought. Wait till you get outside before you start fighting.

"Impressive," Stiyl said. "But it's going to take more than that to take down Innocentius." Innocentius immediately started growing back to its original size. But halfway through he began to diminish again.

Stiyl looked bewildered. "Whats going on? Darn it, the ink!"

Sure enough, when WaterHazard had let loose his water blasts, the entire room had gotten drenched, and that included the surrounding paper Stiyl had spread earlier, the ink on the paper had begun to run off the papers. WaterHazard, interpreting the weakness, blasted Innocentius with another water jet. This time Innocentius disappeared completely. WaterHazard began to walk slowly at Stiyl Magnus. His armor's durability was comparable to that of stainless steel, one light punch and it would all be over. However, as if from nowhere, another guy appeared.

This one looked about Ben's age with a flower patterned shirt, blond hair and sun glasses. "Way to go, monster kid. You passed." Too late WaterHazard noticed the gas filling the room. As the humanoid crustacean passed out, Tsuchimikado grinned ever broadly. "Here we go again. Isn't that right? Kamy."

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