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Let's Get Started!!! 

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A man in a black suit walked into the boarding house and headed straight for the second floor, Room 2C. When he was outside the proper room, he cleared his throat and fastened the second button on his jacket. Then he knocked.

T.J. stopped what he was doing and looked up ahead of him. With sweat lacing his forehead, he froze on his hands and knees and caught his breath. A few still seconds later a voice interrupted the quiet.

"Why'd you stop?" The girl beneath him asked breathlessly.

Slowly, he put his finger to his lips, motioning for silence. The knock came again.

"Open up, T.J., we know you're in there!" Called man's voice with a heavy Brummie accent.

"Who is tha-" She started but he swiftly covered her mouth.

With deft movements he slid from the bed and stood, scanning the floor for their clothing. When he had found hers, he quickly threw them onto her lap.

"Put those on, Mary," he whispered with effort.

Her face contorted from confusion to annoyance.

"Why, T.J.?" She stood and complied. "And it's Margot not Mary," her voice's volume rising.

"I hear you in there, boy! Is there someone with you?" Came the voice from outside.

"Margot, Margot, I'm sorry." T.J. rushed over to her, fully clothed and still speaking in whispers. He grabbed her hands and kissed her lips, then her cheek. "You know I'm bad with names." He kissed her more until she was giggling with satisfaction.

"That's it, I'm breaking this door down!" The voice outside said.

There came a loud thump.

T.J. grabbed Margot's shoulders.

"Listen, I need you to distract him for me, Mary."

"It's Margot."

"Right. Margot."

Another thump came.

"When he comes in here I need you to act like you never saw me. Got it."

She nodded.

"I was never here."

"Got it."

He moved to the window and looked down at the empty alleyway. If he jumped correctly, he wouldn't hurt himself.

"Alright, love, it was fun." He sat perched on the sill, halfway in, halfway out.

"Wait, will I see you again?" she asked, coming to the window.

"I hope so." He said with a smile. "Come here."

She came over to him and he proceeded to kiss her ravenously, squeezing her ass in the process. They broke away; breathless. "Didn't you say you had a sister?" he said. "Maybe she could come along next time."


He climbed out of the window and lowered himself so that he would have to jump the absolute minimum about. Then he jumped. Once he had landed and recovered he took off down the street, pausing only to turn his head briefly and yell up to the window.

"Thanks, Mary!"

Then he took off running down the street.

"It's Margot!" She called after him, but it was no use. He was too far off to hear her. "Bastard," she said to herself. But then she sighed. She could not believe she had made love to a real Peaky Blinder.

Suddenly, the door burst open, sending splintering fragments across the room. The girl screamed and ducked for cover.

The man charged into the room. "Where is he?" He asked.


"The man who was just here with you. I heard you two. Do not lie to me."

She wanted to be brave for T.J. but she was trembling.

"There's no one here, I swear."

The man said nothing more but walked around the room, searching for potential hiding spots T.J. could be using. When he realized that his search was fruitless he drew in a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

"Polly is not going to like this." He mumbled to himself.


The man turned to face her.

"Listen, lass. If you're in anyway tied up with Thomas Shelby Junior, I advise that you untie yourself. The lad's in enough trouble as it is."

She was stunned to silence and could only watch as the man left the room.


Thomas Junior ran for a few blocks before slowing and covertly slipping into a random pub. He went straight to the counter.

"I'll have the whiskey," he said.

"Right away, sir," the barkeep nodded but eyed him suspiciously. Never had he seen a black man with green eyes before.

Thomas noticed the man's staring. "Agh, the eyes is it?" he said. "They change with the seasons, mate. First brown when I was a baby, then blue, and now green. You get used to it. Besides, it's not polite to stare."

The barkeep merely nodded distractedly and went about making the drink. Once it was poured, he handed over the counter to Thomas.

"Thanks, mate." Thomas put his payment on the counter.

He took a deep breath. Back there, they had almost caught up to him. He took a drink. Then a warm hand landed on his shoulder. He looked up to see a man in a black suit. It was impossible to tell if he was the same one from before.

"Shit," Thomas said.

"Shit's right. You can't keep dodging us forever." The man said. "Now, get up, you're coming with me." He forced Thomas out of his chair and gripped him by the arm. Being that he was considerably bigger, older, and stronger than Thomas, this posed no challenge. Thomas was still a young man of twenty, tall in stature, and strong but inferior to the older man in frame.

"Can I at least finish my drink before you take me to my dad?" Thomas protested.

"No you can't and I'm not taking you to your father. I'm taking you to Polly."

Thomas' face blanched. "That's so much worse," he said as he was dragged from the room. 


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