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This is a short chapter, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Thanks for reading!


T.J. sat at a bar, he wasn't sure how long he'd been there exactly but he'd had a few drinks and was feeling pleasantly loose. He'd wanted to get his conversation with Polly out of his mind.

After another drink, he took out a cigarette and began to smoke. A hand tapped his shoulder.

He turned around to see a pretty-faced girl with blond hair and blue eyes, like his own eyes at the moment. "Margot?" He slurred.

"Yes," she beamed. "I knew you could remember names."

"What're you doing here? How'd you...even find..."

"I asked around and here's where most people said you would be."

"Hmm," was all he said. When he could think of nothing else to say, he began to return to his drink. Her hand fell on his shoulder again. "Yes?" He asked.

"Don't you want to know why I came?" She asked, smiling.

No. He thought.

She mistook his silence as a pass to continue. T.J. sighed the moment she opened her mouth.

"I came because there's someone who wanted to meet you..."

"Yeah?" he deadpanned.

Just then, another pretty girl stepped into view. She was of the same make and model as Margot, save a bit taller.

"Who's this?" He asked.

Margot stepped closer. "You said you wanted to meet my sister." Her hands caressed his shoulders. She whispered, "She really wants to meet you."

"Does she?" T.J. couldn't help but smile wide. He downed the last of his drink and motioned to the barkeep with two of his fingers. The barkeep nodded. "I believe there's room for us upstairs. Shall we?" He stood and took their waists, his sorrow forgotten.


T. J. lied still on the bed. He rested his wrist over his eyes, protecting them from the moonlight streaming from the window. There was something about moonlight that he hated and loved. He didn't quite understand it but it drew him closer into a deep dark place. Moonlight signified the end of another day. Another 24 hours gone. And what had he done with his time? What was he doing with his life? Nothing. It was best not to think about it, not to look at it.

Margot stirred against his chest. Her sister, who's name he'd neglected to learn, also lied cuddled against him in the crease of his arm.

Slowly, he sat up and made his way to the window. He took out a cigarette and smoked, opening the window and gazing at the moon. He couldn't resist it. It would never stop reminding him of that night. Whether it was a sweet or bitter reminder, T.J. couldn't tell. He watched the night sky as his smoke rose as pale as the moon's rays. His heart ached.


That was extremely short but comment and vote anyway!! Sadly, my summer break ends tonight. I start senior year tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll still have time to update. Thanks for the read, goodnight!

Bye, Bye Summer 

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