Man To Man

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*The gif you never knew you needed in your life

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*The gif you never knew you needed in your life.

*Fave Logic song


The church was quaint, spacious and decorated in white. There were a couple of rows of polished brown pews, but not too many. There were bunches of flowers decorating the place in addition to other decorative curtains and ribbons. Junior was keen in noticing these details since the last time he had stepped foot in a church was at his sister's funeral, he had only been a small boy then.

Junior stood near the alter as the audience settled, holding their breath in anticipation of the bride. There was a flurry of hushed conversation and cheery expressions around the building. Junior smiled. It was turning out to be just the way Clover wanted it. There weren't too many people but the sanctuary was comfortably full. Junior had taken great pains in gratifying Clover's wishes, making sure that his mother did not invite all of Birmingham. The sun shone warmly into the church windows and Junior glanced over at his mother, who was seated in the front row. She was dressed beautifully in a neat yellow dress and her skin seemed to radiate, matching her aura with that of the sun. She met his gaze with a loving one and glanced over at his father, who was seated next to her. Thomas Shelby sat with an unparalleled air of dignity. He didn't smile but Junior grinned on his behalf. Junior had come to realize that there was no man alive as inexplicable as his father.


Junior stepped from the train and onto the concrete platform. He walked alone as he made his way to the Shelby estate. It would have been more efficient for him to use a car but he knew the extra travel time would grant him room to think. Junior had just returned from Brinswick, England. On the journey there he had asked Clover to be his wife and now he had come home to tell his family. For the last few years of his life he had been running. Now he was going to face his father and profess his love, regardless of the response he would get. He was not going to marry in secret or force Clover to live a reclusive life away from the Shelbys, she deserved more than that. In order to be the man that Clover deserved, Junior needed to step up and confront his demons. That started with speaking with his father.

It was midday when Junior knocked on the front entrance of the Shelby estate. As usual his knocking was answered by a member of the wait staff. Once inside the building Junior made his way to his father's office. He stood outside the door and, after taking a deep breath, walked in. His father was indeed in his office but was not alone. There was a trio of important looking men with him as well. Still Junior did not let this deter him. He stood up straighter, ignoring the curious expressions on all of the men's faces, including his father's, and said, "Father we need to talk. Now." Tommy's expression contorted into one that looked as if he were slightly impressed. After another moment, he spoke, "You heard my son," he said. "Give us a minute." The three men stood up to leave but not without slight grumbling and looks of inconvenience. They straightened their suit jackets just before walking out of the door and closing it behind them.

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