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Just a lil somethin, somethin...Enjoy!


Junior had run and run until the sun was far gone from the sky. He had gone for so long that he could no longer see anything unless it was directly in front of him. He was in complete darkness.

He stopped. His body was damp with sweat. And his face was numb except for the pound of his heartbeat in his ears. He had stripped himself of his tie and suit jacket in order to eradicated all hindrances to his running. Wherever those pricy articles of clothing were now, he had no idea.

Slowly and stiffly Junior walked back to his car and drove to the Shelby estate.

The first words that greeted him when he walked through the doors were,

"Did you take care of it?"

They came from his father, who had obviously ignored Junior's disturbed and disheveled state. In response to the question Junior merely averted his eyes and kept forward. He continued all the way to his room, slamming the door behind him.

Thomas Junior stood in the shower, letting the water droplets run over him. He stood tall and slicked his wet hair backward as the steamy fluid ran over his extended chest. His pectorals and lower abdomen bulged as he allowed a large intake of breath to spread through his lungs. He had to be more intentional with his breathing these days. Panic and anxiety so easily and often stole it from him.

The water continued to cascade down the front of his body and he gasped as its warmth suddenly gathered at the meeting of his legs. Before he could control it, his mind rushed to thoughts of Clover and what she would do for him, for his body. In that moment her presence was all too real to him as the water became her hands, caressing him, and the steam became her breath, whispering sweet promises into his ear. Junior began to tremble all over and his knees were in danger of buckling. Quickly he turned the faucet, commanding the water from hot to cold. His trembling was replaced with intentional shivering and he could breath more evenly again. He leaned forward, baptizing his head beneath the icy waters, and placed his palms on the tile before him. He gripped the glossy surface, willing himself to be empty; he needed to be numb.

He turned the water to off and stepped out of the shower.


Clover took a deep breath. The natural fog and morning dew humidified the air and made her cool breath visible. She sat, resting her suitcase on the ground and holding her hand over her stomach.

"Train to Brinswick's been delayed sweetheart," came her uncle. He sighed deeply as he took a seat beside her on the metal bench. She shifted her weight to alleviate the discomfort the stiff seat brought her.

"Here you are, sweetheart." Joe offered her his coat, rolled into a soft bundle. "Put that behind your back." She took it from him and followed his advice. The relief was palpable and translated into a more relaxed expression on her face.

"Thanks Joe," she said. Her eyebrows were close together and her eyes were trained down onto her fidgeting hands. Joe looked down at her and placed a hand over hers, calming her ticking fingers. She looked at him. He smiled.

"We'll get through this," he said. "I promise."

Clover nodded slowly. She allowed a slow surge of air into her lungs and relaxed against her uncle.

"Let's just hope this baby doesn't turn out as mean as you," he said, winning her smile. 


Thanks for reading! Comment, vote, etc. 

Happy Easter and Passover btw

Spring is finally hereee

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