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Sit back, relax, and

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Sit back, relax, and...enjoy the feels...


A petite black woman sat in the corner of the room, knitting by candle and moonlight. The moon rays gave her warm skin a ghostly glow; her hands trembled with the stitching as the candle flickered. The bedroom door opened.

Silence as his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. Then, "You shouldn't be up this late, it's almost midnight."

"I dreamt of her again. It was longer this time," the woman said.

The man came over and appraised the small pillow in her hand. In the center of it, almost completely stitched, was a name: Sophia.

Her tears fell onto the fabric. "She would've been eighteen," She said.

"Toni..." he held her hand.

"The dream was so real this time. It was almost as if she was there."

Tommy sighed and sat on the king bed across from her.

"I couldn't tell if it was a dream or a memory."

"You would know if it was a memory. You would remember," he said.

"Would I? I forgot you once. You and my baby."

The candle's wax burned lower and lower, its light seemed ever more blinding.

Then, "Don't do this to yourself, Toni."

"Did you know Junior left home again? He blames himself still. After all these years..."

"I know," Tommy said.

"Then what are you doing about it?" She looked at him directly, her tearstained eyes glowing with the flickering firelight.

"I'm doing my best."

The moonlight seemed to fill the space between them. The room, absence of words but full of light. A few more breaths and she said,

"Bring your son home. Talk to him, Tommy."

He nodded. "I will."

She looked through the window, to the outside. "Thank you, Tommy."

As he gazed at her silhouette, Tommy couldn't help but be filled with the same love for her that brought them together twenty years ago. "You," he said, inspired by new amorous boldness, "come here."

She turned her head, slowly revealing her smile. Toni stood, placed her knitting project on the seat behind her and smoothed out her dress. She made her way towards him and halted only when she was in his embrace.

He placed her on his lap. "Do you trust me?" He asked, smoothing away the evidence of her tears.

"Yes," she held the side of his face in a warm embrace.

Slowly he stood up and made his way to the candle, blowing it out. She made room for him to leave and return to her. Clasping her arms gently around his neck, she kissed him with youthful tenderness. Her body was still soft and open.

He laid her down and patiently made love to her. They filled the night with their intimacy; their embraces were only for the moon to behold. The lovers performed the same rituals they had been accustomed to for years. What they lacked in youth's vigor, they made up for in time's practice, synchronization and harmony. This was their love. This was the love they had fought for.


"Now, remember last night when you asked after Sophia? She's gone, Junior, and there's a few things we need to get straight. There's her photographs, there's her clothes - I'll keep things the way they are in the room. Just. Keep things the way they are... I'm not much good, Junior. Your mother is, but I'm not. You'll find that out soon enough. But Sophia's not gonna be coming back, son, it's just you and me and mom, but she'll be with us in our hearts because we love her."

T.J.'s boots stomped alternately into puddles of mud and water. The night had been a rainy one. He had awaken with a distinct memory in his mind. He couldn't help but meditate on it as he headed to his favorite spot; the spot where the girl, Clover, was.

She's gone, Junior...

He was much younger when his dad had said those words.

I'm not much good, Junior...You'll find that out soon enough...

"Wasn't that the goddamn truth," Junior muttered as he pushed his way into the restaurant.

He didn't ask before heading to his usual spot in the back of the establishment.

She'll be with us in our hearts because we love her...

"Clover!" He called. There was no answer.

She's gone, Junior and there's a few things...

"Clover!" He went farther and called even louder to dull the calamity of his mind.

She'll be with us in our hearts...

"Goddamnit!" He shouted. Where was she?

He hastily looked around the kitchen.

There's her photographs, there's her clothes...

This way and that, he turned and looked for her.

I'll keep things the way they are in the room....

Goddamn it! Where did she go? The room was spinning...or was it him?

Just. Keep things the way they are...

His breathing became irregular.

Keep things the way they are...

Where was his sister?

Just keep things...

Where was Clover?

I'm not much good, Junior....

Where was she? "Shit!" he called again.

"No need to shout, I'm right here," She appeared, annoyed, with her hand on her hip.

All was silent except for her voice.

"You do know we run a respectable fucking business over here," she said.

All was still.

"You can't come traipsing back here whenever you want-," she was interrupted. He had kissed her.

His kiss had shocked her into silence. Now all was truly quiet.

"Go make me a sandwich," he said.


Ooooh. What do you think? Things clearing up yet?

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