Parting Author's Note

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*This mah damn jam 

Wow wow wow wow wow. What a journey. I remember starting this series because I had seen the show and thought "Wow, this is friggin awesome. I wonder how lit it would be if there was a black girl in it??" I started toying with a name that went well with Tommy in my head and landed on Toni and then this entire story just came alive piece by piece. 

The beginning chapters were alright but I was so passionate about writing this that I just kept at it until I got better and better. And the feedback, omg, it was amazing. So many passionate, and mostly positive, comments and private messages. I'm convinced that a great number of my followers have come from readers of this series. (Heartless has over 90,000 reads now). 

But anyway, back to the beginning. I was fifteen and I had a huge story in my head. I was afraid to write in profanity or intimacy (I hadn't even been kissed in real life) but I tentatively took on Steven Knight's badass characters anyway. My writing got to a point where people would tell me that my portrayal of the characters was spot on. And I even wrote a plot in my story that turned out to be similar to the one in Knight's new season. I was shook and inspired all at once at how far my words could take me. 

Even in my growth I was afraid to write under my own name. I wrote under the pseudonym, Dallas Rey (copyright my sister) and even started a blog using it. 

I'm seventeen now and I just graduated top of my class. I'm going to New York University to study creative writing and continue on the path to my dream, writing novels professionally. I decided not to use my pseudonym anymore, I feel like it has served its purpose. Also my blog is expired, I'll make it known when I have a new one up. All throughout this journey, through the endless homework and exams, the mental stress, and personal struggles, I've always, always found solace in writing. My path may not be straight but it'll definitely be lit. 

I'm far from finished with writing. I don't think I ever will be finished with it. Thank you for sharing my journey and loving these characters as much as I do. Thank you for letting this story be as real to you as it was to me. Love always. 

And now for a round of applause for the cast!!! (I'm going off of memory so if I miss any characters, mention them in the comments lol)



(gotta get the irrelevant people out the way)


Roscoe (y'all remember him? lol)


Theodore Langley aka Teddy

Joe aka Joe The Giant

Joe aka Joe The Giant

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