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*You are required to listen to this song!! I love it soo much

I thought I published this hours ago tbh

I got maaajor Tommy/Toni vibes this chapter. The chapter is sort of short and hella sweet

Thanks for readingg


Junior looked like shit, but he was alive and he was on a train, going to same direction as the love of his life. So that was progress.

He stood and tried his best to wipe the blood from his nose due to the fistfight he'd just escaped from. He straightened his shirt as best as he could; there was nothing to be done about the rust mark left by the train rail he had just been contorted over.

Junior found the proper door and pushed his way inside the train. He walked through car after car until he found the proper one. Junior saw Joe standing, scowling off to the side when Clover came into view. Her eyes were wet and her nose was a rosy color. She held her stomach protectively and came over to embrace him. He held her in his arms, catching a sweet scented whiff of her thick and black hair. "I'm so fucking sorry," he said. She just held him and cried, stroking the back of his neck tenderly.

Junior and Clover were alone in a compartment. They sat facing each other. He looked down at his hands. She was subconsciously leaning in toward him. "I..." he started. "I don't know what happened," he said. "My father...he..."

"He brainwashed you," she chimed.

"Yes, he's persuasive, but I was weak against it. I'm so defenseless against him and I don't know how to deal with it except by running. But when I'm right there with's suffocating," a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I know," Clover comforted him softly. She held his hands in her own. "I hear you."

Then he truly looked at her. "I don't think I can do this by myself," he said. "I know I the man you deserve...but I don't think I can be it alone."

"What do you need?" she asked.

"Could you stay with me? I swear to God I won't leave you again. Just let me stay. Let me raise this child with you."

She nodded her head with tears in her eyes. "Okay," she said.

"Okay," he repeated, a cleansing sigh coming from his lungs.

They sat side by side, resting their heads against each other.

"I want you to know," Clover began, "that you didn't have a chance of growing up normal," Junior chuckled at this. "You can't even walk onto a fucking platform without dozens of people noticing," she smiled and then sobered, "You've had to face terrible things that others couldn't even imagine, much less experience as a child," she said. "I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud to call you mine," she finished. He turned to her and kissed her deeply on the lips. He ran his fingers gently through her hair and brought them along down her neck. He tasted her lips and then her tongue, letting their embrace last longer. Slowly he reached for her and pulled her on top of him, "Come here," he whispered. He let her knees rest on either side of him. Junior smiled, running his hand along her imperceptible baby bump. Clover smiled and placed her hand atop his own. She leaned down to kiss him and their connection grew more passionate. With one hand he embraced her and with the other he locked the compartment door, pulling the privacy curtain closed.

Junior spread her legs wider while he played in her mouth. He rested his hand on her thigh, raising her skirt slightly as he ran his hand along her soft legs. In that moment Clover realized that her body had been craving this contact. She wrapped her arms around Junior and her body bloomed for him. Junior took her invitation and pulled her closer. With deliberate hands he slid her stockings down, then her panties. Slowly he filled her warm body with his fingers and stroked her from the inside. Her body trembled at his gentle touch. She then helped to undo his pant fastens. When he was completely free he entered her body with his own so smoothly that it made her shudder. He pulled her tightly in and she began throbbing for him. He pressed their bodies together so that they were moving slowly away and towards each other again and again. He pushed deeper inside of her until she whispered, "Please, Junior," begging him to continue.

They continued their physical harmony until each of them found their release. Even after, they rested on each other, enjoying the privacy and the tender proximity. They each breathed deeply and evenly. Junior gently held Clover's chin and kissed her softly on the lips. "I thought I'd ask," he said afterwards. "I was wondering if you'd like to marry me."



*Beautiful song, weird video. I actually added this to a chapter of Both of Us (see if you can spot it lol)

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