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"The train leaves in five minutes," Joe said. "I just spoke with the conductor."

"Okay," Clover said.

"You ready for this?" he asked her, hinting at more than just their departure.

"I have to be," she said. The train sounded and they gathered their things. Clover stood to go.


There was knocking at Junior's door. He ignored it, feigning slumber. The knocks continued and Junior buried his head in his pillow, wanting to hide from all of his problems. Finally, he heard the door open and someone step inside.

"The fuck is it now?" He said, turning to whom he suspected was his intrusive father.

"I wanted to check on you," came his mother's voice. Embarrassed, he faced her completely, sitting straight up.

"Hey mom," he said.

"Hey baby," she smiled warmly and made her way over to him.

She sat beside him and wrapped him in an embrace. Slowly, she backed away, looking into his eyes. "You look troubled," she said, holding his face within her hands.

He sighed, looking away. He forced a short smirk. When no words would come to him, he just looked toward her, hoping that his eyes would say it all.

"I know when my baby is hurting. I always know. It hurts me when you're suffering, you know that?"

Junior nodded, resting his hand on his mother's. His eyes watered.

"I'm so sorry for the pain that I put you through."

"No," he whispered, shaking his head slowly and shedding a single tear. "You didn't do anything," he said.

"I know," she said. "And that was the problem. I should've done more. I know that. I knew of the good in your father but you never got to see it. And I'm sorry for that. But you're my baby and I love you no matter what. I just need you to stop running away from home. Wherever that may be."

She withdrew her hands from his soft cheeks and wrapped them around both of his, giving them a slight squeeze. "Find home," she said. "And whatever happens, just know that you'll always have a home in me."

Junior smiled. His kissed his mother softly on the cheek and smoothed her hair down. Then he stood.

"I have to go," he said.


Dawn had barely arrived and the sun now rose higher, bathing Clover in its orange light. She looked into the horizon and then closed her eyes, enjoying the temperate beauty. Her uncles had begun to board the train and she began to follow suit.

"You comfy?" Joe asked as Clover settled in her seat.

She chuckled dryly. "Not in the slightest," she said.

"Why don't you try to get some rest," he stroked her cheek. "You'll wake up and we'll be there," he said.

She smiled and said, "I guess that's a good idea." No sooner had she said the words than a cloud of murmurs erupted along the train car. Clover stood to see the source of the confusion. When everyone she saw was gathered beside the windows on the station side, Clover did the same, peering through the glass. A moment later she gasped. "Oh my God," she said, "It's Junior."

"It's who?" Joe asked immediately, rocketing from his seat.

"It's Junior...I can't believe it." Junior had just arrived on the platform and he was looking frantically around. Clover felt winded as she moved to exit the train but a jolt interrupted her progress. "W-what's happening?" She asked, turning to her uncle and steadying her belly with her left hand.

"The train," Joe said, "it's moving."

"Well, we've gotta do something. We've got to get off," Clover said, exasperated. She turned back for the exit but he held onto her arm.

"We're not getting off, Clover," Joe said. "It's too late. He missed his chance."

Clover ripped her arm away and left for the car door. "It's never too late," she said.

With a grunt, Joe followed.

By the time Clover reached the door, the train had picked up speed considerably. She reached for the door handle but the train patrolman, impeded her. When her desperate arguments could not convince the man, Joe came over to assist in the persuasion. In the meantime, Clover went to the nearest window and opened it. "Junior!" She called for him.

He immediately locked eyes with her and her heart leapt. He had come for her. Junior broke into a sprint and made a beeline for her train. There were still several cars to go before the train had completely left the station and Clover was confident that he would make it. Just when she was about to look away and concern herself with opening the door, something out of the corner of her eyes startled her. Three menacing-looking men in crisp black suits were closing in on Junior. She called to him and he looked at her, a smile spreading across his lips. "Lookout!" She screamed. But just as the words left her lips, Junior had been overtaken by one of the men. Clover screamed and went into a state of panic. She looked to her right and saw that her uncle had incapacitated the patrolman. "What..." she began. "Ask questions later," he said. A second afterward, the door was open. "Where's your boyfriend?" Joe asked, with palpable agitation. "Joe, they've got him," she said, "over there." She pointed to the spot where Junior lay fighting off three men.

"Shit," Joe said.

"Shit's right," Clover said, her uneasiness growing. "I'm going out there," she moved to step from the train but was immediately pushed back.

"Oh no you don't," Joe said. "You're staying right where you are."

"I have to go get him!" She pressed.

"Let me worry about that love," he said. Then he jumped from the train. 



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