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Oooh, I'm so excited about this. Enjoy, my loves. 


The clock struck twelve and Junior's stomach growled. He checked his watch.

"What the fuck is this, Remy? I ordered a half hour ago, where's my food?" He yelled at the waiter.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shelby-"

"Call me T.J," he fidgeted in his seat.

"I'm sorry Mister...T.J. but it's really backed up in there," he pointed to the kitchen, "I assure you, your food will be ready just as soon as all the previous orders are taken care of."

"You listen here, Remy," T.J. grabbed the man by his collar and yanked him down to eye level, "If my goddamn food isn't ready in the next five minutes, I'm gonna go in there," he pointed to the kitchen, "make it myself, and burn this whole goddamn place down. Got it?" His eyes shone an icy blue.

Remy gulped, he face turning a paler shade of white. "Yessir, right away sir," he said. Then he hurried into the kitchen.

T.J. heard voices rise and fall in disagreement behind the closed door of the kitchen. He smiled, satisfied that his wishes were being carried out. He knew that Remy was afraid of him and used that to his advantage every single time he visited this restaurant. He'd told Remy about his familial connections and that was enough to make any man quake.

A few minutes ticked by and T.J. grew restless again. Finally he huffed and stood from his chair. Stomping, he made his way to the kitchen and threw open the door.

Remy was nowhere to be found; he was most likely hiding. So, Junior turned this way and that, looking for a cook to assault. Immediately a tall, large, and dark-skinned man, pounded into T.J.'s pathway, obstructing his view.

"You're not allowed to be back here, sir," his deep voice vibrated in T.J.'s ears.

T.J.'s level of irritation was reaching dangerously high levels.

"Get the fuck out of my way," he shoved the man, caring nothing about their vast difference in height. In all honestly, the man looked more like a sumo wrestler than an average restaurant employee.

The man's nostrils flared. "You're gonna regret that," came his venomous reply.

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