| Chapter Four |

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Em and Matthias had been walking for about five hours now through the swampy district of Wyvernwick. It was strange that Faywicke even thought of this place as a district. To Em, the place seemed incredibly uninhabited. Sure, they've heard some strange noises in the shadows of the trees around them but nothing that sounded even closely human.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Em asked suddenly. For once, she wasn't taking the lead since she had never even been here. Although, she thought Matthias may know the way since he was supposedly from Mistshore anyways. Em still didn't tell him that she knew that small tidbit about him and her letting him take the lead had been subtle enough that he hadn't suspected.

"I don't know." He shrugged. He glanced up toward the canopy of the towering trees, squinting through the heavy layer of moss at the top. The sun wasn't even reaching where they walked and they couldn't tell the time.

Em let out a deep sigh and continued on trailing after Matthias.


After about twenty more minutes of walking through the smelly area, Em could see a solid shape in the distance, lurking in the fog. She froze in her tracks, her fingers wrapping around the hilt of her dagger. Matthias tensed when he realized she had stopped and he too grabbed ahold of his sword.

"What is it?" He asked, following her gaze to the murky shape in the distance.

"I'm not sure. Stay here." She whispered, moving forward.

"Are you crazy?" Matthias breathed, suddenly grasping her arm to keep her from continuing on.

"Maybe but I'm curious."

Matthias swore colorfully under his breath but released Em's arm nonetheless.

"Fine. Guess I'm joining you. Just–stay low and keep quiet." He whispered, pulling his sword from its scabbard. Em did the same, the dark blade ringing out across the distance. She flinched a bit as the sound carried across the water and into the trees around them but she did what Matthias suggested and stayed low, ready to fight if needed.

Matthias and Em continued forward. Matthias' eyes roaming the trees and behind them while Em kept her sights ahead of them; trying to make out the growing size of the object beyond them.

With a few more minutes of walking, the shape had emerged from the fog rolling around it. It was a...house?

Or at least something like one. It was made out of wood, standing on stilts so it wouldn't collapse in the water below it. A row of steps carried to the front door which was closed tightly. All the windows were covered with dark tapestries and the lights outside were off. Not even a torch was burning in the holder.

"I don't like this." Matthias breathed beside Em.

Honestly, neither did Em. It was eerie. Incredibly eerie. She heard stories about the people who resided here. Most of them were deranged and psychotic, having escaped from other districts to live their lives out here without bothering anyone else. Em gulped and couldn't look away from the rickety structure.

"You're shaking, Em." Matthias whispered.

Somehow, Em was able to snap her gaze away from the house and peered at Matthias. He had a worried expression on his face as he observed her hands. He had been right, they were shaking. Em squeezed her hands into fists and flexed them back out, her dagger glowing in the process.

"I'm fine. Can we please just keep moving." Em replied, shaking away her thoughts.

Matthias nodded, wanting to put some distance between them and the structure.

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