| Chapter Five |

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The table was set for three and Em could barely wait to get her hands on the delicious-smelling food that the boy was cooking up. It had grown incredibly dark outside Em observed as she peeled back the tapestries blocking the window. She let out a sigh, although she was in unfamiliar territory, she couldn't help but be comforted by the dark shadows at night. Night was calm to Em. She liked to use the shadows and make them bend to her will. She liked to use them to camouflage her face, features, and thievery.

Though, Em wouldn't volunteer herself to head back outside tonight or any night for that matter.

Em released the tapestry and headed toward the table, taking a seat.

"So, who are you?" Matthias asked, taking a seat beside Em. I guess the approach was straight forward enough.

Em glanced up at the boy who was stirring something on the miniature stove. He met their states with his own.

"The name's Jonah Rogue. Hungry?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Yes." Em spoke immediately.

Jonah smirked at her as he stirred the contents of the pot one more time before taking it off of the stove completely.

"Em." Matthias whispered beside her. "You can't trust what he's serving."

"You know I can hear you, mate." Jonah said, butting into the not-so-secret conversation.

"Yeah, Mathias, it's not like he's poisoning the food." Em hurriedly glanced up at Jonah. "Right?"

"Oh rats, you caught me, little dove. I was just about to put a drop of poison in each bowl of mashed potatoes!" Jonah replied sarcastically, a sinful smile plastered to his lips.

"It's not funny. We don't know who he is or–"

Matthias was cut off by the sound of plates being put onto the tabletop. Jonah pulled a chair over and sat down across from them.

"Actually, I've already told you my name and invited you into my lovely home. It's actually you two who I'm a bit worried about here. Now, why don't we start this whole thing over? Hi, I'm Jonah Rogue and you are?"

Matthias huffed out an irritated sigh beside Em and she rolled her eyes at his sour mood.

"I'm Em and this is Matthias." She said, leaning forward a bit to whisper across the table. "He's a bit moody today."

Matthias spoke up immediately, defending himself. "That's because we crossed an illegal border, got chased by strange, killer beasts, and ended up in a stranger's house. Who, by the way, is quite rude. All within a day!"

"Maybe you should try taking a nap, mate. I heard a nap is a good remedy for dreary thoughts." Jonah winked. Em giggled at the playful humor he brought about and held out her hand as Jonah passed out food plates.

Of course Matthias was sour for the beginning of the meal, not touching any of his food on the plate. He gave Em a worried glance as he watched her bring a forkful of potatoes to her mouth. Em rolled her eyes and inclined her head toward his own plate, urging him to eat something. He ignored her, focusing back on their host.

"Anyways, all serious-talk now. Why are you two frolicking through Wyvernwick at night?" Jonah asked, taking a bite of the meat on his fork.

"First of all, we're not frolicking through–"

Em cut Matthias off with a wave of her hand, swallowing the potatoes, she decided to be the lead speaker tonight.

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