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Hey everyone! First things first, thank you all for reading Spirit of Shadows and for finishing it all the way through! I know that it's not the best writing and I'm really trying to make sure that there's no plot holes or missing elements but it's quite difficult. Though, I will make sure my writing only gets better from here on out.

Anyways, there will be a sequel to Spirit of Shadows! (The title will be revealed soon.) It will take place right where SoS left off and you'll be familiar with the same characters. In this book there will be action, romance, and new friendships (as well as new enemies). You'll find out secrets about Em and Matthias, figure out more about Kachina's Spirit Trainer days, and about other districts of Faywicke. Svana will be back under Em's bidding and you'll get to experience more of everyone's powers. And last but not least, you'll know just what happens when a Spirit user gets caught under the law of "no magic allowed".


Next are some questions I thought should be answered if they weren't made clear:

Q: What power does Em have?
A: Em is a Spirit of Darkness (or shadows-however you want to put it) she can manipulate shadows and the darkness itself. She also has a dagger named 'Nightmare' which is basically an extension of that magic.

Q: What power does Matthias have?
A: Matthias is a Spirit of Electricity. He can manipulate forms of electricity by creating lighting storms, time lapses, and other things that haven't been explored yet.

Q: What nationality is Kachina and what power does she possess?
A: Kachina is Native American! And she's basically what the citizens of Faywicke would call a "seer" she can see some events that happen in the future. She can predict some outcomes, tell fortunes, and see into desires. Though, sometimes they don't happen. She's basically a form of a "witch" I suppose. Also, fun fact her name means Spirit in Native American!

Q: what is Jonah's power?
A: Jonah can control gravity at certain times. He can either push things/people away or attract them. Sometimes when you see Em's POV where she may randomly start feeling a pull toward Jonah, it's because his power is affecting her subconsciously.

Q: What is Arron's deal? And he's an elf, explain?
A: okay so, Arron Harp is a very complicated character. He has super platinum blonde type hair and sharp pointed features (ears). He is an elf. Just because magic was banned from Faywicke doesn't mean that all magical creatures were banned. Since elves are closely related to humans (in terms of physical appearances) they're allowed citizenship in the country. Most other creatures, such as Grobhin, Wailing Willows, Swan Maidens, etc...have been outlawed to Wyvernwick. And you'll find out more about Arron and what he wants in the next book!

Q: Is Em's real name Em?
A: you'll just have to continue reading to find out!


Lastly, I'll probably be changing the cover from time-to-time until I find one or create one that I like the best. So, don't freak out if you see it change!

Thanks again for reading and I hope to see you soon when I post the next chapter to the second book!

— Rachel.

— Rachel

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