| Chapter Twenty Five |

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Kachina and I had combed through our hair and had Matthias cut the dead ends off. For Kachina, that meant her hair was now closely cropped around her shoulders–and she didn't like it one bit.

"I look like a..a...scarecrow or something!" She yelled, having seen her reflection in the mirror back at her house. She continued to toy with it, wrapping the dark strands around her tanned fingers, as if they'd instantly grow back.

In contrast, I had actually adored my new hairstyle. It was shorter than before, touching down just a few inches longer than my shoulders. My hair was still much longer than Kachina's and I even had Matthias cut a few layers into it. Surprisingly, he didn't mess up and leave me completely bald, which was a huge relief to me and Kachina both.

"Yeah, An ugly scarecrow." Jonah snorted from beside Kachina. The girl had taken the liberty to shove him into the nearby bushes and down Jonah fell into the dirt.

Matthias had bursted out laughing at this action and I had tried incredibly hard to keep myself from doing the same. I bit my lip and watched as Jonah sprung up, his eyes alight with anger.

"What the hell, Kachina!"

The girl smirked and tilted her head in success before continuing on down the road.

Matthias was still chuckling and I had to push him forward after Kachina, before Jonah spotted him.

"C'mon tough guy, let's just get to Cliff's." I said, looping an arm around Jonah's. He sighed but complied and lead me forward, telling me all about his supposed battles with Grobhin.


We arrived at Cliff's Tailor Shop around lunchtime and by then I was exhausted. I guess the lack of sleep I had gotten last night was catching up to me now.

C'mon Em, hang in there. I said, supporting myself against the wall. My arms were crossed over my chest and I tilted my head back, blinking my eyes to fight away the oncoming fatigue.

"You alright?" Jonah asked from beside me.

"Peachy." I replied and before Jonah could ask me anything else, Miss Cliff had stepped into the room.

She looked exactly the same as she had the first time we met her. Frizzy gray hair, short stature, and wary eyes.

"Oh welcome back! What can I do for you today?" She asked, her face lighting up at the familiar sight of us.

"We'd prefer some new outfits, Miss. Carver and I are being promoted." Matthias lied easily.

Miss Cliff didn't seem to think anything of it and hurriedly took out a pad of paper and a small black pen. "What is the honor you're receiving gentlemen?"

"Royalty Escorts, miss."

"How wonderful! How does a red uniform with black ornaments sound to you? From what I've heard, it was the newest upcoming fashion for handsome Kings Men like yourself. And thank goodness too! I couldn't bare the sight of the white uniforms any longer!" Miss Cliff said, shaking her head as she jotted down notes for the boy's uniforms.

"Wonderful. And if it's not too much trouble, the girls here are in need of dresses. Beautiful, extravagant dresses!" Matthias said with fake enthusiasm.

Miss Cliff was eating the lie up, her own moving quickly over the white paper.

"Of course! Princess' shall have nothing less than perfection from me. Long live the king and queen!" Miss Cliff said, saluting with a fist to her heart, and her other hand cupping it. She brought her hands to her chest to conclude the salute and we had all copied her.

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