| Chapter Eighteen |

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"I look absolutely ridiculous." Kachina said, picking at the thin material around her hips.

Em and Kachina had changed into their disguises after Kachina had pulled them out of a chest in her closet. Em didn't want to ask why she had brothel-ready clothes–if you could even call them clothes–but Jonah asked anyways.

"So, you just have prostitute costumes at the ready?" Jonah teased.

Kachina flipped her middle finger at him and Em held back a laugh at her heated gaze. Matthias wasn't back yet from the town of Mistshore. He went to the local library to try and score a map of the area. According to Kachina, there were about six different brothels around Mistshore alone.

Em let out a quiet sigh as she laced the horrific corset over her fishnet tights. Her costume was an ugly thing. Hot pink corset with black ribbons across the bodice, fishnet tights trailed up her legs, and she had to wear towering heels. Em had never felt so naked before in her life. She wanted to reach for her tattered, dark cloak to shield her body away from prying eyes. Eventually, she'd have to go outside and pretend to be confident in what she was wearing.

Em frowned as she clipped the strap of her heels on, her legs wobbly since she had never worn anything besides boots on her feet.

"Need any help?" Kachina asked, standing beside her. Em could tell that Kachina clearly despised her costume. She looked like a peacock. Aqua corset with green ribbons, fishnet tights to match Em's, and black pumps. Though, Kachina's trail off of the corset was colored with greens, blues, and a few feathers; whereas, Em only had hot pink ones.

"I'm just beginning to think that this is a horrible idea." Em admitted, practicing her walk in the towering shoes of death.

Kachina snorted, pulling her hair out of it's twisted bun. She let it fall loose over one shoulder. "I knew it was going to be bad from the start but I think it'll be worth it."

Em nodded at that. If there's one thing Em could say for certain, it's that she didn't want to let Matthias down. They were going to find Adabelle today no matter what.

Just as Em had taken her own hair out of it's tangled braid, Matthias walked in, his gaze lowered to the map in his hands.

Suddenly, Em felt like covering herself up. She quickly reached behind Kachina to grab her tattered cloak, and threw it on. The girl gave her a strange look but just shrugged.

"Ladies." Matthias said, not even bothering to glance up from his analyzing. He walked right past them and into the kitchen.

Em mentally sighed in relief and ignored Kachina's pressing gaze.

"Anyways, we need to get some makeup on." Kachina said. Em nodded and followed her into her bedroom.


When the girls finally had their makeup finished and hair brushed out, they opened the door to Kachina's room to rally the boys. Though, just as Em was about to walk out, confident in her plan to get Adabelle back, Kachina pulled her back.


"Your cloak has to stay here." Kachina said with a look of sympathy.

Em wanted to protest that she needed it but she knew it would be a dead giveaway. The wanted posters had her face printed–blurry of course–but still printed. And she had been wearing her cloak at the time.

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