| Chapter Twenty Eight |

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"Well, isn't this a strange sight."

Everyone's head whipped back towards the staircase to see Adabelle, gracefully making her way down the steps. Her hair was freshly washed and I noticed the subtle smell of rose as she walked by. Adabelle also wore one of Kachina's long nightshirts. There were many tatters and holes around it, knowing it had seen better days, but Adabelle still managed to pull it off.

"Ada...I think it would be best if you stayed here." Matthias said, stepping up beside me. His tone was very steely, authoritative, and left no room for arguing–except, that seemed to be something Adabelle excelled at.

"Oh, I wouldn't think of coming along on your suicide mission." She replied carelessly.

My brows furrowed as I tried my hardest not to call her out on her attitude. It really was quite unfair to Matthias that she was acting this way, especially since he had risked his life to find her, and this was how she regarded him.

"Shocking, I thought you'd be the leader of our so-called 'suicide mission'." Kachina bit back.

Adabelle travelled her gaze toward Kachina and forced herself to smile enough to show teeth. "Yes, well I'm trying to lay low but obviously you aren't." She scoffed, "I mean, really. Who's idea was it for a group of wanted criminals to disguise themselves as palace guards and princess'? Honestly, that's just asking for trouble."

A pang of worry flashed within me and I had to take a step back. Adabelle was right. What was I thinking, bringing all of us along? This should be something that only I do, so I'm the only one in potential danger.

Matthias seemed to have gauged my thoughts and quickly placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, drawing me beside him once more. I didn't say anything about the motion but a peek at Jonah's expression told me he was considerably confused.

"We promised Em that we'd be there for her, and nothing you say can change that." Kachina said, standing up for me once more.

"Em decided that this was a good idea? She's going to get you all killed!" Adabelle said, her tone rising as she leveled me with her piercing aqua gaze.

I tried my best not to shy away and actually met her stare straight-on.

"We've made a plan." Matthias cut in.

"Oh have you now?" Adabelle said sarcastically.

"Yes. And it's a good plan too. We've already notified the castle that there would be two more princess' joining the court, along with two Kings Men to escort them." Matthias replied, unfazed.

"And they didn't background check you?" Adabelle asked.

"Not until we get to the castle." He admitted.

Adabelle was quiet for a moment, her lips pursed as she seemed to think something through. I watched as he aqua eyes stared straight at her brother, a knowing look crossed her features and she let out a sigh.

"Alright, you've reeled me in. I'll help."

Everyone was silent for another long moment as the weight of Adabelle's words sunk in.

"What? No one asked for your help!" Kachina replied, quickly exposing her unrest about it.

"I know that but I'd feel much...better if I was involved in some way." Adabelle said.

Kachina's mouth dropped open as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing from the girl. She shook her head before saying anything else and Matthias quickly broke in.

"Why the sudden change of heart, sis?" He asked, his tone still stony and wary.

Adabelle took a few steps forward until she was directly in front of Matthias and I. I watched as she brushed her blonde hair back with her fingers as she spoke up.

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