| Chapter Thirty |

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Matthias' POV

The ballroom was choked with people by the time Em and I had made it back through the golden curtain. Women were dressed in the finest silks, ornamented with feathers, jewels, and other priceless objects like pearls. The men weren't as gaudy but their suits and uniforms were still pristine, neatly cut, and expensive, just as mine had been.

With a quick sweep of the room, I led Em toward the grand staircase to begin the opening ceremony. The bannister was decorated with ribbons and dripping rubies with golden leaves, and the guests had stopped to stare as we approached.

And why wouldn't they? Em was elegant. Her pink dress flowed out around her slender form and her 'new' facial appearance must've had others stunned into silence. Especially the men. I forced myself not to shoot any of them dirty looks as we passed by, climbing stair after decorated stair, to meet up with Kachina and Jonah.

"Welcome, welcome!" A loud voice boomed ahead of us as we had reached the landing of the grand staircase. I snapped my gaze up in time to see the queen of Faywicke float down the top of the stairs to meet us. If I was being completely honest, she was quite a sight for sore eyes. Although, she must've been in her early forties but you could hardly tell.

Her face was clear of any wrinkles or blemishes except for a small beauty mark on the top of her right cheekbone. Her chestnut brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, decorated with small diamond pins and barrettes. Even her dress was beautiful–as if should be–considering she was the queen and all. No price was too high to dress the queen in the fanciest of silks and have her decorated with the finest jewelry in all of Faywicke. I noticed that her dress was a ruby red, dark like a fine wine. It definitely accentuated her dark features and bright gray eyes.

Everyone was speechless at the sight of their queen standing before them and it took a moment until everyone, collectively bowed and curtsied their respects.

"Welcome to Mistshore Palace my children. I hope your stay has been pleasant so far?" The queen asked, her eyes skipping over everyone's gaze in turn.

The group nodded around us, including Em and myself.

"Excellent!" The queen mused, "Now, let's get started with this grand ceremony, celebrating the coming together of all separate groups within the castle."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. The queen acted as if it was some big achievement to hold this ceremony, but really, it was another rich party filled with snobs and liars.

The queen had walked back up a few steps until she was standing a few inches above everyone. "Princess court please make your way here," the queen pointed to the right of her and I reluctantly let Em go. "Prince court on the opposite end," the queen pointed once more, "and Kings Men right in front please."

Everyone stepped into their rightful places and I quickly darted a glance at Em who was standing beside a taller brunette and a fiery redheaded girl a few inches shorter than her.

"Very good." The queen beamed with a clap of her manicured hands. Finally, she turned toward the princess court, her smile stretching over her red-painted lips. "Princess court first, as usual. Please welcome the six participants into the court as well as the kingdom of Mistshore. Shall they be treated fairly with the upmost respect, education, and mannerisms." The queen finished, her gaze snapping over the audience below us.

Everyone below had raised their fists in the salute, placing them over their heart and laying their free hand atop it. "Long live the king and queen!" They cheered in reply.

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