Chapter 2

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James: Hola!

Isco: Hey!

Unknown: Hello!

Alvaro: So are you going to tell us your name or do we have to keep on calling you Unknown? 😛

Unknown: How do I know that you people are not murderers or something?

Cristiano: Hey! We are not murderers! We are footballers!

Unknown: Or a bunch of wannabees! Prove it!

Marcelo: Okay tell us your Twitter and Instagram username and we'll follow. That should prove it!

Unknown: Okay...My username is ____

James: Done!

Isco: Done.

Marcelo: ^

Cristiano: ^^

Alvaro: ^^^

Unknown: OMG!!! You were not lying!! OMG!!! 😀

Sergio: And from your profile, we can tell that you are a fan!

Unknown: Madridista and proud! 😉 

Marcelo: Okay she is officially a part of the family! 

Sergio: Yes!!

Tony: So what's your name?

Unknown: It's Angela. You can call me Angie. 😃 

Gareth: Angela...that's a beautiful name.

Angela: Thanks Gareth. 😃 

Marcelo: OMG! Gareth is flirting!! 😮 😀

Cristiano: Aww our little Garry is growing up. 😛

Sergio: I'm proud of you Gar! :') 

Gareth: OMG! Someone just kill me before I kill all of them!

Angela: LOL! You guys are hilarious!

Isco: and you guys will make a cute couple!

Gareth is offline.

Angela is offline.

Alvaro: Aww now they both went off at the same time!

Keylor: I swear you guys are like a bunch of immature teenage girls!

Zidane: Finally someone said it!

Sergio: OMG! You both are so mean!!

Cristiano: ^ 😔 

Marcelo: ^^ 😔 

Alvaro: ^^^


Author's Note

Thanks for reading guys!

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