Chapter 18

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Sergio: So... last night was fun...😅

Angie: Not sure that fun is the word I would use...

Gareth: Yeah... it was weird...

Cris: And scary to think about...

Isco: Not to mention completely dangerous...

Alvaro: And insane!

Lucas: Is your house okay Cris? 🤔

Cris: Thankfully the clean-up company did a good job even though it took hours! But now you can't tell that what happened actually happened but they did give me weird and questionable looks....

Theo: I can't believe we did all of that...

Mateo: Yeah...

BossMan: Okay that's enough of that talk! Just forget that last night happened at all!

Keylor: Okay now I'm curious! What exactly happened? 🤔

Luka: Yeah I also wanna know! 🙋

Lucas: Sorry guys, not allowed to talk about it.

Isco: Trust me you don't want to know...

Gareth: That night will haunt me for the rest of my life 🙈

Sergio: Same but it'll still manage to be the best night of our lives 😂

Isco: Agreed 😂

Angie: Yeah

Karim: Just tell us what happened already!

Toni: It's too big to tell!

Kiko: Then just tell us what you did one by one.

Cris: Okay but what we're about to tell you must never leave this chat.

Keylor: Deal!

Marcelo: Okay so it all started when I got at Cristiano's house with Enzo. Cris asked me to bring him so that Junior could have someone of his age with him.

Angie: And Isco and Alvaro arrived right after him with 2 big duffle bags and claimed that since it was my, Theo, Marco and Mateo's first and Alvaro's last movie night with the team, it had to be a blast!

Gareth: We all agreed and then we went to the supermarket and bought tons of food and soda since we had Junior and Enzo with us so no alcohol...and well the kids, Isco, Alvaro and Angie got a lot of other stuff

Sergio: and we got a bit carried away when we started the movie...

Cris: More like a bit too much...

Toni: Yeah. We also called the coach over sometime in the night...  

Marcelo: And in the morning Cris's house was basically destroyed...

Mateo: Our faces and bodies were painted in Neon paint...

Sergio: The living room was basically a huge pillow fort...

Marco: The pool was overflowing with bubbles..

Isco: ...Pink bubbles

Luka: 😦

Alvaro: The house was fully covered in silly strings...

Angie: and toilet paper

Cris: all the food and drinks were gone

Toni: So were most of the pillows

Lucas: They were all torn up in the huge pillow fight we had

Theo: Which the BossMan started...

Raphael: Wait a minute! Coach helped doing all of that?! 😧

Cris: Yeah... and a lot of it was his idea

Kiko: Damn! 😲

Mateo: Cris's living room was basically buried below pillows, feathers, blankets, toilet parer and silly strings!

Sergio: and all of that was done without even a single drop of alcohol!

Angie: oh and the kids helped too!

Gareth: yeah, the silly strings and TP was their idea... it seemed pretty hilarious at that time...

Sergio: We regretted everything in the morning but it was too late

Toni: There is also a lot of stuff that is not mentioned here...

Marco: and it will never be mentioned anywhere

Theo: yeah...

Angie: Safe to say what happens at a party stays at the party...

Karim: Wow! I guess we missed a hell of a night!

Raphael: I regret not coming 😭

Kiko: me too 😢

Luka: me three

BossMan: You should. Now lets just forget that last night ever happened.

Angie: Agreed!








Toni:  Agreed!


Author's Note

Do you guys wanna know what else happened last night? 😂😂

If yes then tell me!

Oh and this story has reached 9K reads, 488 votes and 127 comments! Thank you guys so much!! I love each and every single one of you! 😘❤

Dedication to @RainhaTheWolffor voting on all my football fanfics! Thank you! 

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