Chapter 20

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Angie's P.O.V.

I took a shower and got ready for the night out. It was 8 and everyone would be here anytime now. I was super proud of my outfit for the night. It was a gold mini dress which looked good and it was comfortable, everything I needed in one.

Their was a honk outside and I quickly grabbed my bag and make my way out the door locking it behind me

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Their was a honk outside and I quickly grabbed my bag and make my way out the door locking it behind me. There were 3 SUVs, all full of people.

"Angie!!" All of them screamed in greeting. I grinned at them yelling, "Hey guys!! Are you guys ready for the best night ever?!"

"Yeah!!!" They shouted back. Gareth got out of the third car and gestured me to climb in. I went in grinning, excited to get this night started and he got in after me. The guys had hired drivers to drive us around since we were bound to get drunk tonight. Literally everyone was coming tonight. Everyone was bringing their wife or girlfriend to dinner and then to the club where a lot of other friends were also invited. Tonight was bound to be an epic night!

The whole ride over to the restaurant we were singing on the top of our lungs, laughing and making fun of each other. Soon we pulled up at the restaurant and there were a lot of paparazzi outside!

I looked at Gareth a little nervous since this was the first time I was going to face the paps. Gar understood my look and took my hand in his, "Don't worry about them. I got you." He whispered in my ear, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. I gave him a small nod and he opened the door and got out along with everyone. He offered me his hand. I took it and carefully climbed out. The paps were going crazy clicking picture and shouting. We ignored them and quickly got inside.

When all of us got in and the doors closed behind us I let out a sigh of relief. "See that wasn't so bad." Gar winked at me. I just playfully punched him on the shoulder.

Gareth and Marcelo introduced me to the new players and all the WAGs, all of them were really nice and welcoming especially Clarice (Marcelo's wife),Pilar (Sergio's wife), Vanja (Luka's wife), Macarina (Lucas's wife) and Izabel (Mateo's wife).

After introductions were made we took our seats and ordered our food. I was sitting between Gareth and Isco. As the conversation went on, Clarice said something that got everyone's attention, "So I've heard a lot about the movie night you guys had at Cristiano's. I wanna know what happened!" Soon they all were literally begging us to tell them the story.

Cristiano, Marcelo, Sergio, Theo, Lucas, Isco, Mateo, Marco, Gareth, Toni and I looked at each other and nodded. I let out a sigh and started, "Okay so listen carefully and don't let this leave this room." Everyone nodded very seriously. I let out a sigh, "So it all began when Isco and Alvaro decided to make that night the best ever and we decided to head off to the supermarket to get some stuff."

Sergio took over, "Our biggest mistake was bringing Enzo and Cristianho along with us."

Marcelo nodded, "Yeah and when they met the big kids a.k.a. Isco, Angie and Alvaro, they went crazy!"

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