Chapter 28

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Angie's P.O.V.

Cristiano came back from the training and safe to say that he was a bit too much smug about something.

"Well don't you look like someone who just hit a jackpot," I stated, looking at him wearily. He shrugged giving me an innocent smile, "Can't a man just be happy to be home to his loving family?"

"Ah huh." I nodded.

"Anyway, Gio! We have to go out with the kids tonight!" He said to Gio before turning to me, "You'll be alright on your own, right?" I nodded while Gio just looked at him confused, "Where are we going and why?"

"Umm... Remember my friend Tony? The one that I lost touch with? Yeah, him. I bumped into him today and we decided to have a night to catch up and meet each other's families. So get ready, I'll take care of the kids."

"Okay..." Gio trailed off looking weirdly at Cristiano. He grinned at her and she walked off shaking her head and muttering something about raising five kids. 

As soon as she was out of view, Cristiano's smile dropped and he turned to me in horror, "There's no way that I can deal with 5 kids at once. You've got to help me." I laughed at his expression before helping him get the kids ready.

After a few hours, the Ronaldo family was ready and gone, leaving me alone. "Well, I guess I'll just make something to eat then," I said out loud as I made my way towards the kitchen but before I could reach it, the doorbell rang. 

I let out a sigh before walking towards the door. I opened it and was met by a surprising sight. "Cristiano's not home," I said to Gareth, who was standing at the door with a bag of take-out, as I tried to close the door. "I know," he replied as he stopped the door from closing. "Just hear me out Ang, please. If you don't like what I've got to say then I'll leave but please hear me out first." Hearing the sincerity in his voice I decided to give him a chance. I sighed before reluctantly opening the door and letting him in. 

We made our way to the living room and sat on the couch silently. "Listen," Gareth started, "I know that you are mad and hurt and you think that everything that has happened between us didn't mean anything to me but I promise you that's not the truth! The girl at my house was Laura. She's my childhood best friend and nothing more. She came to visit me for the weekend and I had this ex who kept showing up at my house and to make her stop I asked Laura to pretend to be my girlfriend if a girl showed up at the door. I really didn't think that you would come to visit me. I'm so sorry Ang. I'm stupid!" He stood up from his position and kneeled in front of me holding my hand, "You mean a lot to me Angie and I really really like you. I can't bear the thought of you leaving me because of something as silly as this. Please forgive me. I swear I will make it up to you. Just give me a chance please."

By now I had tears in my eyes and all I could do was nod with a teary smile. "Oh, thank God!" Gareth exhaled in relief as he pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back.

He pulled back a little and held my face in his hands, "We have to leave for Kiev tomorrow, come with me." He said looking into my eyes, "I am serious Angie. It's a big night for all of us, for me and I'd love nothing more than to have you by my side, no matter the result. Will you come?" 

I nodded, "I will." He smiled, kissing my forehead, "Thank you." I just hugged him tight in response. I was in a daze and could hardly believe that this was happening. All the tears and drama, all for nothing but a big misunderstanding.

After we talked everything out, we decided to watch a movie as we ate the food that Gareth had brought. As the movie came close to an end, the Ronaldo family came back. "Everything sorted?" Cristiano asked grinning as he looked from Gareth to I. We both nodded and thanked Geo and Cristiano. And all was sunshine and rainbows again.

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