Chapter 9

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Angel's P.O.V.

After about an hour of drive, we pulled up into the parking of Ciudad Real Madrid. It was so huge! I couldn't believe for the life of me that this was real! I mean, being a Madridista I had dreamed about this moment a lot but I always knew that it wouldn't happen and yet here I am, standing in Ciudad's parking lot with Marcelo and Isco, and about to meet the rest of my dream team. This is like a dream! Better than a dream!

"Are you okay Ang?" Marcelo's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

I game him a genuine smile and said, "Better than ever Celo. Now let's go!!"

They laughed at my excitement and lead the way inside.

"So this is the entrance!" Marcelo started, he pointed towards our left and said "That's the way to the changing rooms but we'll go there later."

Isco took over from there "Yeah, right now we are going to the communal area. That's where we spend our spare time all-together."

"Well that sounds awesome! Lead the way my trusty guides!" I grinned at both of them.

 First there was a reception area. Past the reception area, there are sofas and drinks fridges opposite a 30-foot display of Real Madrid memorabilia. It was so fascinating and inspiring to look all of that history. 

"Wow!" That was the only thing I could say looking at that iconic wall.

After passing the wall, Isco suddenly asked, "Hey Ang, wanna see something cool?"


Isco turned to his right and pressed the wall and suddenly it cracked open to a large white door!

"Holy shit that's a secret door!" I literally yelled!

Both of them just laughed at me and lead the way inside.

It was a cinema room, probably where the players watch films or football matches on a giant screen.  

Next door, past the wall of photographs, replica kits and trophies, is the games room. There is snooker, table football and a pair of Formula One simulators and a ping pong table. 

That was also the room where the whole Real Madrid squad stood in front of me, grinning from ear to ear.

Dear God, I'm gonna die!


Isco: Wanna help me set Angie and Garth up? Vote and comment!

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