Chapter 32

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Angie's P.O.V.

So far the match was killing everyone! It was half-time and there were no goals but two injured players. In the 24th minute, Liverpool's Mohamed Salah went down after getting tangled up with Sergio. He tried to play with an injured shoulder but couldn't and soon he walk off the field in tears. It was a heartbreaking sight to see. Everyone was unhappy with the situation as Salah was clearly the fan-favourite and Liverpool's best hope at defeating Madrid. He was replaced by Adam Lallana. Ten minutes after that Daniel Carvajal had to walk off the pitch, suffering a nose injury and he was replaced by Nacho.

Half-time came round and we just sat there anxiously waiting for the match to begin again. The conversations were at a minimum and the tension was really high. Everyone was just praying for Madrid to win.

Finally our moment came at the 51st minute, Real Madrid scored the first goal. Karim stuck his leg out as Liverpool goalkeeper Loris Karius attempted to roll the ball, and the ball landed in the net. 1-0.

Minutes after that, Liverpool striker Mane, tied the game 1-1 when he flicked in a header.

At the 61st minute, the moment I was waiting for arrived. Real Madrid brought on Gareth to replace Isco.

Gareth entered the game and three minutes later he delivered a nearly flawless bicycle kick into the back of the net to put Real Madrid ahead 2-1. 

As soon as the ball went in, we all went flying out of our chairs, celebrating. The game went on with even more intensity and just when we thought that we would have a 2-1 victory, Gareth scored another one at the 81st minute, wrapping up the whole thing. And just like that, Real Madrid became the first team to win the Champions League three years in a row.

The box was a mixture of emotions right now. Everyone was screaming, crying and hugging each other. We all knew how much hard work, self-doubt, frustration, and determination went to get to this moment. But in the end, it was all worth it. They had done it. They had won the war. And all of us couldn't have been more proud.

We all went out down to the field as the guys received medals and the trophy. Soon everyone ran off to the field, trying to find their loved ones to congratulate them. I ran to the tall man-bun and jumped on him from behind. 

He let out a 'woah' as he struggled to balance himself. "Congratulations, Mr Bale." I whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek. He held my legs and turned his head to look at me, "Why, thank you Miss Walker." I giggled and got off his back. I stood in front of him and crossed my arms, "So that went well for a guy who thought he wouldn't get to play, don't you think so?"

He laughed, shaking his head, "You really are something else Ang but yeah, I think that went pretty well and the credit goes to you." He pulled off his medal and put it around my neck. "See, now it's worth even more."


"Just shut up Ang. It looks good. Now let me get a few pictures."

I chuckled, "You're right. It does look good on me."

He grinned in response and we took a ton of pictures with the trophy and the guys. 

Soon it was time to leave and before we could walk back to the bus, I stopped Gareth and made him face me. "I'm so proud of you Gar," I said putting my hand on his cheek. He leaned his head further into my hand and kissed my palm, "I'm so glad that I met you." I smiled at him softly, "Me too."

We both smiled at each other and started walking back, hand in hand. "Wait!" Gareth suddenly said, tugging my hand. "What?" 

He grinned at me mischievously, "I distinctly remember someone telling me something about more when we win." 

"I don't think I remember that." I smirked. He raised an eyebrow at me, "You sure?"

"Yeah," I grinned. "We'll have to change that now, wouldn't we?" He mused as he pulled me close to him. I opened my mouth to say something but before I could do that, his lips descended on mine and I smiled as I kissed him back. 

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