Chapter 10

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"Wow" was the only thing I could say right now. The legendary Real Madrid squad was standing in front of me. I couldn't even believe my eyes. This had to be a dream. A dream that I never want to wake up from.

"Are you all just going to stand there like idiots or are you gonna say 'hi' like a normal person?" Isco broke the silence.

"Oh right!" Sergio said suddenly, "Hola! I'm Sergio - " "She already knows that." interrupted Marcelo. "- and all of them are weird." He continued playfully glaring at Marcelo, who just pouted like a baby.

I giggled at them and with that the silence was gone. All of them came and gave me a hug one by one. Of course they saved Gareth for the last.

Gareth hugged me and whispered in my ear, "It's great to finally meet you Angel."

"It's great to meet you too Gar.", I whispered back. I can't describe how it felt to hug him, safe, secure. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I was 5'3" whereas he was 6' and let's not even talk about his muscular body!


The voice of a camera made us pull away from each other shocked. We looked towards where all of them where standing and some guys, namely Marcelo, Cristiano, Isco, Sergio and the Alvaros (Morata and Arbeloa), had their mobiles in their hands pointed towards us, taking pictures. This just made Gareth and I embarrassed and red-faced, and guess what did they do next?!

Yup, you guessed it! They just embarrassed us more and took even more pictures!

"Oh for God's sake would you all please leave them alone?!" Zidane said coming in front.

Damn! Zinedin Zidane was right here, standing in front of me! I literally couldn't believe my luck right now. Wow! Just wow!

But thankfully after the Coach arrived and they started to behave. After that we settled on the couches there.

"How's the leg kid?" Zizou asked pointing at my leg brace.

"Almost healed Boss Man." I replied with a wide grin.

The guys chuckled while ZiZou just frowned asking, "Is that name gonna stick?"

I locked eyes with Marcelo and replied, "Of course Boss Man" with a cheeky grin on my face which just made the guys laugh some more.


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