Chapter 17

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 Alvaro: Here I am waiting, I'll have to leave soon, Why am I holding on? 😢

 Angie: We knew this day would come, we knew it all along 😔

Gareth: How did it come so fast? 💔

Cris: This is our last night but it's late.. 🙁

Mateo: And I'm trying not to sleep cause I know, 😞

Alvaro: When I wake I will have to slip away...😢

Marcelo: And when the daylight comes I'll have to go..💔

Angie:But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close 😭

Sergio: 'Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own 😢

Isco: But tonight I need to hold you so close 😞

Isco: I'll miss you so much Alvaro...😟

Marcelo: Me too 🙁

Alvaro: Guys please let's just not do the sad goodbye. Let's think of happy thoughts. Please. 🙂

Isco: Like about that time when you and I decided to break into Sergio's house to scare him and he screamed like a little girl? 😀

Marcelo: Or about the time you took Enzo with you to have a 'Man's Day Out' and you both ended up being hyperactive because all the sugar you had consumed. 😂

Angie: Man's Day Out? 😂😂😂

Sergio: Remember the time when we stole Iker's shorts and replaced them with extremely short ones? 😂😂

Cris: Omg! You guys did that? 😱😂

Alvaro: It was supposed to be a secret Sergio!! 😵

Sergio: Ooops? 😳

Toni: He'll kill you both if he ever finds out about this 😂

Alvaro: Which is why he'll never find out or else...🗡🔫😈

Angie: Someone's scary 😵

Gareth: Who are you and what have you done with our sweet little Alvaro? 😱

Isco: Oo dark Alvaro 😮

Alvaro: I don't trust a guy without a dark side 😉

Cris: I understood that reference! 😃😃

Angie: What's even more funny is that this is Captain's line and he's playing by a guy named Chris! 😂

Sergio: Avengers Assemble! 😎

Marcelo: What are avengers?

Alvaro: You've got to be kidding me! 🤐🙇

Gareth: I'm so done with this chat 🙇

Marcelo: I'm serious! What are you all talking about?!

Angie: Are you even from this planet?

Marcelo: Yeahh...why?

Marco: Do you live under a rock?

Marcelo: No...

Lucas: wow... 🙇

BossMan: Even I know who the Avengers are...

Kaylor: Me too!

Marcelo: Then tell me!!

Angie: How about we all have a movie night? A Marvel marathon?

Marcelo: Sure but what is a Marvel?

Gareth: O Lord! 🙇

Cris: Tomorrow night at my place.

Angie: Done.

Gareth: Done.

Isco: Done.

Alvaro: Done.

Toni: Done.

Mateo: Done.

Marco: Done.

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