Chapter 13

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Angie: Hey guys!

Gareth: Hey Angel. 😇

Angie: Hey Gar. What ya doin'? 😊

Gareth: Nothing! Literally nothing! 😭

Angie: Me too! I'm so darn bored!! I haven't even seen the city yet cos I don't know the way around and if I'll just end up lost if I tried. 😢

Gareth: You know what? I'll show you around Madrid today! 😃

Angie: Really? 😄

Gareth: It will be my genuine pleasure darling. 😉

Angie: Aww thanks Gar. 😊

Isco: Roses are red...🌹

Alvaro: Thorns are prickly...🌵

Sergio: Holy shit! 😱

Marcelo: That escalated quickly! 😨

BossMan: You bunch of immature little idiots! 😡

Toni: ^ I second that! 😡

Luka: I swear these idiots will sink the ship before it reaches open waters! 😠

Isco: But why would we sink a ship? 😨😨

Alvaro: Or how? We don't even know anything about ships or open waters...😓

Kaylor: It was metaphorical you idiots! They aren't talking about an actual ship! They are talking about the BaleWalker ship that you idiots created in the first place! 😥

Isco: Oh... That ship...😳

BossMan: Yeah... That ship...😡

Toni: Damn! BossMan is on fire today! 🔥

BossMan: Shut it before you get burned.

Toni: Yes Sir! 😅

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