Chapter 26

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Angie's P.O.V.

I took a shower and got dressed in the outfit I had picked out yesterday. Today I was on a mission to cheer up Gareth. I talked to him yesterday and he seemed pretty bummed out so I decided to surprise him at his house with tons of food, drinks and movies.

I took one last look in the mirror and headed out. I had already loaded the car with all the stuff so I just got into the car and entered Gareth's address in the GPS, which I had gotten from Cristiano this morning. 

I pulled into the driveway of a mansion and got out of the car grabbing the two carry bags. I went to the door and rang the doorbell waiting for Gar to answer. I had all these stupid thoughts running in my mind. What if he was busy? What if he didn't want to see me? But before I could chicken out, the door opened.

I looked up smiling, expecting to see Gareth there but was greeted by a girl... or more specifically, a girl wrapped in just a towel with her black shoulder length hair dripping with water. 

"Hello?" She snapped her fingers in front of me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Uh sorry..This is Gareth's house right?" I asked looking around.

"Yes. Why are you here?" 

'Oh I don't know! Maybe to see GARETH BALE who freakin' lives here?!' But instead of saying that I asked the question that had been bugging me ever since she had opened the door.

"Who are you and where is Gareth?"

She scanned me, from top to bottom which made me feel really uneasy, before finally stating, "I'm his girlfriend and he's busy."

Girlfriend? What? "Oh... So-sorry to bother you." was all I could say before I speed walked over to my car. Tears started to well up in my eyes. I got in the car and drove out of there as quickly as I could. My vision blurred as the tears got too much to hold back. I pulled over at the side of the road and let the tears out. He had a girlfriend? Why didn't he tell me? Why did he kiss me? I thought we had something... Oh God! I'm a terrible person! I kissed someone's boyfriend!

My phone rang and I got it out of my bag, it was Cristiano. I picked the call and immediately Cris's voice rang out, "So how is it going? Did I interrupt something? Did you both confess your undying love for each other?" After listening this I busted out crying.

After hearing my sobs Cris panicked, "Angie? Why are you crying? What happened?Are you okay?"

"I-I..No", was all I could get out before a fresh wave of tears came out.

"Stay where you are and send me your location. I'm coming to pick you up." Cris said before he dropped the call. I sent him my location and waited listening to the radio which conveniently happened to be playing some love song.

Cristiano showed up after 20 minutes with Georgina. Cris made me move to the passenger seat and drove my car back to his house while Geo drove his.

When we got to their house Geo got me a glass of water and they both made me talk so I told them the whole story.

Cris let out a frustrated sigh, "I don't get it. How is this possible? Gareth never mentioned anything about any other girl!"

"Maybe I'm just being stupid. Maybe I misunderstood him? Arrhh!! This is so frustrating!!" I let out as I fell back on the couch and covered my face with my hands, "What am I gonna do?!" 

A hand took my hands and removed them from my face. Geo then pulled me up and ordered me to clean up.

I washed my face and got rid of my racoon eyes before going back to the living room.

"Aunt Angie!! Watch a movie with me!" Junior demanded cutely and I gladly complied with his 'demand'

We got settled on the couch watching Minions and sometime halfway through the move we both fell asleep.


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