Chapter 7

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Angie: Okay so I got good news and bad news, which one do you guys wanna know first?

Cris: The good one!

Celo: The bad one.

Isco: Good one and I missed you sooo much!!

Alvaro: Bad and thank goodness you are back!

Gareth: They are never going to settle for one so just tell us both of them together.

Angie: Okayy

Toni: Aww look the both of them being adorable :')

Isco: Proud to say we ruined him! :D

Alvaro: ^

Angie: So I finished moving...

Gareth: I have a feeling that there is a but in that sentence....

Angie: Yeah....about that...

Gareth: C'mon what's wrong? Just say it already!!

Angie: I might have kinda...urm...broke my foot?

Celo: Omg!!! Are you okay?! :O

Cris: Of course she is not okay Celo! She broke her foot!!

Toni: When did that happen and how?!

Angie: Funny story actually...I fell down the stairs carrying boxes.

Gareth: And when did that happen...?

Angie: Ummm....

Gareth: Go on...tell us...

Angie: A week ago...??

Gareth: ...

Angie: Please don't kill me...

Celo: But why didn't you tell us? :(

Sergio: Yeah..why?

Cris: </3

Alvaro: :'(

Isco: You're mean!! :'(

Angie: I'm sorry guys... it's just that I didn't want you guys to worry about me...

Cris: Okay so tell me, do you think of us as your friends?

Angie: Of course!

Sergio: Now tell me, do you worry about us when we get hit and fall on the pitch?

Angie: Yeah... every time one of you falls I get scared...

Gareth: So how do you think we feel about you? The only problem is we don't know when you get hurt and we trust you to tell us whenever you get hurt or sick! But it seems like you don't trust us enough...

Angie: It's nothing like that Ger... I'm sorry, okay? I just didn't want you guys to get distracted or worried! I know that the past four games have taken their toll on you and I can't bare the thought of burdening you guys with my useless problems.

Gareth: Hey! Quit saying stuff like that! If you don't tell us stuff then we are definitely going to be worried so next time if something happens, you tell us. Okay?

BossMan: Hate to say but I agree with him kid. You are a part of this family now and family takes care of their own.

Angie: Oh God! You guys are making me cry right now! I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys but this wouldn't happen again, I promise.

Gareth: Good.

BossMan: Take care of yourself Kid.

Isco: I'm crying! This is too much! :')

Alvaro: Me too! :')

Cris: That was so beautiful! :') <3

Toni: ^

Sergio: ^^


Author's Note

Hey guys! What do you think? Personally I freaking love this chapter! Let me know your thoughts. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! Love ya all!

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