Chapter 24

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Gareth: Congratulations Everybody! 😍🎉

Isco: Congratulations guys!! 😃😃

Mateo: congo! 😎

Iker: Congratulations guys! 💕

Marco: ^ 🎊

Keylor: ^ 🤗

Dani: Felicitaciones! 🏆

Lucas: ^ 💞

Raphael: ^ 😊

Angie: Yeah! Congo guys!! I'm so proud of you all! ❤

Mesut: ^ 😘

Marcelo: You're always proud of us Ang. 😃

Angie: I can't help it, you guys are always doing things that makes me proud of you 😄

Raphael: I scored an own goal and you told me that you were proud of me...

Angie: That's because the goal was a mistake and you didn't let that effect your performance, you played even harder to make up that and that's what I am proud of. When you guys make mistakes, you make up for them. Even when you guys don't win, you always play the best game that you possibly can. Each and every time. That's why I'm always proud of you. My guys always make me proud. 😇❤

BossMan: Damn kid! That one hit home! 💕

Cris: Yeah 😭😍

Marcelo: I'm not crying, I'm just sweating through my eyes. 😭

Toni: I'm crying 😭💞

Gareth: That was beautiful Angel 👼❤

Angie: You're beautiful Bale 😉

Gareth: Smooth! 😂

Angie: I couldn't resist! #SorryNotSorry 😂

Isco: aww 😍

Marcelo: My babies! 😭💕

Dani: #PowerCouple 🙏

Lucas: #BaleWalker

Mateo: #BAngie

Marco: #AnGareth

Jesus: #BA

Sergio: Here comes the teenagers with their hashtags 😂

Toni: It's because they don't know how to write a proper sentence! 😂😂

Lucas: Excuse you Putas I'm married 😒

Mateo: ^ 🖕

Cris: Still have no idea how you managed that 😂😂

Marcelo: and Mateo seriously? Bangie? That's the best you could come up with?! 😳😳

Angie: lol I was gonna ask the same thing! 😂😂

Mateo: Seemed like a great idea at that moment 😅😅

Gareth: Ah-huh

Mateo: yeah... 😅

Cris: Leave the kid alone guys, he has a tiny brain 😂

Mateo: For the last time, I am married!!

Gareth: For the last time, NO ONE CARES!

Angie: Lmao 😂😂😂😂

Sergio: Roasted 🍖🔥

Marcelo: 😂😂😂

Isco: damn! 😂

BossMan: This GC 😂😂

Mesut: Thanks for adding me. I'm very glad now 😂😂

Iker: Me too 😂😂😂😂

Angie: I knew you would come around 😍😍

Iker: 😅😅

Angie: 😍😍

Gareth: Hey Angie! You forgot about something! 😅

Angie: What?

Gareth: your autographs!!

Angie: Holy shitbiscuit! I completely forgot about them!! 😱

Cris: 😂😂😂😂😂

Angie: So who has earned my eternal gratitude?

Marcelo: Well I gtg, have to play with Lili! Bye!

Sergio: right! I forgot! I told Pilar that I would help her cook! Catch ya later!

Luka: urmm.. I have to go shopping

Toni: Yeah and I'm going with you remember?

Luka: yeah!

Angie: Useless Putas 😒😒

Marco: 😂😂

Isco: 😂


P.S.- If anyone is interested in poetry then check out my new book RAW! 😊😘

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