Chapter 5

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Angie: Hey guys!

Celo: Hola!

Garry: Hi. :)

Angie: So who's going to score a goal for me tonight?! =D <3

Sergi: Me!!

Celo: Me!

Garry: I will. :)

Crissy: I can't :'(

Angie: Aww thanks celo, sergi, and ger! And it's okay Cris! Good luck guys! I know you will win it! HALA MADRID!!

Garry: Thanks Ang! :)

More: Awww! We need a ship name for them.

Garry: Shut up!

Angie: Shut up!

Disco: Aww they even have the same thoughts!

BossMan: Quit playing around and get your head in the game! I better see you all on the bus in 10 minutes or you're dead!

Angie: I'm not the one that has to be there and I'm scared of you Boss!

Crissy: Does it make me a bad person that I'm glad I'm not there right now?

Angie: Trust me, Crissy, it doesn't make you a bad person to be scared for your life.

BossMan: Zip it both of you! No more messages until we're done with the game!

Crissy: Sir yes Sir! Good luck guys!

Angie: All the best guys! Score me a goal or tons. I'm outta here!

**After the game.**

Angie: OMG! I'm so freaking proud of you guys! You were amazing out there! If I was there right now, I would hug you so tight that you couldn't breathe! =D

Celo: You are not attending any of our games! I don't want to die!

Sergi: As much as I love you, Ang, I'm with Celo! You can't kill us!

Angie: Come to think of it, killing you with a hug might not be a good thing...oh well I'll just squeeze all of you without killing you.

Celo: Urm...thank you?

Angie: You're welcome! =D

Garry: Are you high Ang?

Angie: Yay! You are here Garry!! I might be a biiiiitt high on sugar! =D <3

Garry: Oh god...

Disco: I think I just died!

Angie: Does that mean you're an angel now? =)

Crissy: LOL!

More: omg this conversation is priceless! :D

Garry: How about you go get some sleep Ang?

Garry: Ang?

Crissy: I think that she is asleep...

Garry: Okay then...

Author's P.O.V

Vote, comment and follow! 😘

P.S.: I need a ship name for Gareth and Angie. :)

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