Chapter 25

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Cris: Hey Angie?

Angie: Yeah?

Marcelo: You ready for a surprise? 😃

Angie: What surprise? I love surprises! 😍😍

Toni: Well you're having love this one even more!

Angie: Tell me what it is!!! 😃😃😃

Sergio: Remember when you asked us to get you autographs and we ran away?

Angie: Of course how can I forget that? 😢💔

Marcelo: Well we lied! 😀

Angie: Really?! You guys got me autographs?! 😍😍

Toni: Yes we did!

Sergio: Yeah we made a game out of it! 😜

Isco: Okay I have to hear this! 👂

Gareth: ^ 🙋

Angie: 😂😂

Cris: okay so we made a bet about who would get the highest number of autographs. The losers have to do whatever the winner wants.

Dani: omg who won?

Sergio: Cris...

Gareth: For real?

Isco: How?

Nacho: yeah.. did you get Messi's autograph Cris?

Cris: Yes I did

Angie: Omg!! That would have been priceless!

Toni: Well he cheated!

Marco: How?

Lucas: yeah.. how can anyone cheat in that? 

Marcelo: He had help!

Luka: Yeah! He handed a shirt to junior and asked him to go and get everyone's autographs!

Dani Carvajal : smart!

Cris: ikr! I got him two shirts and asked him to get everyone's autographs and he ran around getting everyone's autographs saying that one was for him and one was for his friend.

Angie: Awww I love Junior!! 

Gareth: tbh who doesn't?

Isco: Yeah that kid is amazing! 

Marcelo: Agreed 

Sergio: and he's like Cris's mini clone! It's scary how alike they are!

Lucas: ^ and they both are the biggest pranksters ever!

Cris: He has got to be awesome, he is my kid afterall 😎

Angie: stfu Cristiano

Isco: 😂😂😂

Cris: Hey! Mean! I got you autographs!

Angie: and I love you for that! 😘

Gareth: 😟💔

Lucas: Jealous puta 😂😂😂

Raphael: This GC man! It just keeps on getting weirder and weirder every single day!!

BossMan: ^ 😥

Marcos: lol 😂😂

Marcelo: 😂😂


Author's Note

Sorry for the late updates guys! The semester is ending and I've got a ton of deadlines and exams so I apologise for the lack of updates.  Turns out being a full time university student and writing 4 books at a time is not an easy job. So please don't forget about these stories! Love you all!

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