Michael - Stutter

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At 5 years old, you and your parents decided to move to a nicer place. Away from some of your family and thats how you ended up in Australia, it was a long way away from your home but every single thing was worth it and you don't regret moving. Most children hate moving as they have to meet new friends and start over again but you loved it. You'd met you life long best friend here too, his name was Michael. You still remember the first time you met.

"Say cheese" my mum said taking a picture of me on my first day of school. I stood with my goofy grin smiling at the camera and holding my book bag to my chest. I'd never been to school, only to a play school so this was my first day and I was super excited to make friends.

"You look beautiful sweetie now go on theres Miss Marine"

"Ok mummy love you" I kissed her cheek walking over to Miss Marine and tall blonde woman who was mid-thirties. She was pretty, she had a pair of glasses perched on her nose.

"Hi Y/N, come on in I'll show you where to sit" We walked into her class room and it was filled with posters with different things on such as the alphabet and times tables. There were children already piling into the classroom most of them in little circles talking to each other. Apart from one boy. He was sat in the corner with a notebook, he had a blonde haircut and green orbs. He was interesting. The children all sat down and I was still stood at the front.

"Right where would you like to sit?" Miss Marine said, a couple of girls smiled at me patting the seat next to them but my focus was on the boy at the back of the room.

"Can I sit with him?" I said pointing to the boy, the class all turned round and some let out little laughs. I didn't understand why they were laughing.

"Muh-muh-michael" one of the boys scoffed making the girls giggle. Michael looked up and looking straight at me. I smiled at him and he just sighed looking back down at his notebook. I looked up at the teacher furrowing my eyebrows.

"How about you sit here for today and then you can go sit back there"

"Ok" I said, walking round the side of the table but stealing a glance at Michael who was already looking at me with curiosity. I smiled at him once again which I saw the corner of his lips curve before again he looked back down. The lesson was a good lesson we were leaning poetry and singing a few songs.

It had gotten round to lunch time and I hadn't really made any friends. The girl who sat next to me in the class her name was Lily but she was going on her best friend and how they always hung out. I was never good with friends at play school I always use to sit along playing shapes. The only person who took my interest was Michael, throughout the whole lesson Michael was sat at the back he didn't get involved in any sort of activities the only time was when he sung. It was lunch time and I was sat on a bench just watching the other children play.

The same boy from earlier who made fun of Michael, which name I learnt was Cam. He was walking over to Michael who was playing with the sandpit quietly not harming anyone. Cam got over to Michael pushing him back in the sand. I stood up from the table walking over to them, I had, had enough of this. How can anyone bully someone.

"You're a ugly stupid boy" Cam said to Michael. Cam went to hit Michael but I pulled him back by his shirt and stood in front of him.

"Get out my way little girl" Cam snarled

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I said crossing my arms. Cam let out a frustrated sigh walking away not before kicking the sand out of the sandpit. I turned around facing Michael who was covered in sand I reached out my hand and pulled him up. He brushed the sand off his legs and bum and looked at me.

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