Michael - Shower Twister

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"Michael we are not getting it" I said placing my hands on my hips. Me and my boyfriend Michael has just bought a house together and we had set up the basics. The bed, the kitchen, the front room along with our bathroom although most of that was already fitted in along with kitchen cupboards. Food shopping was super difficult with a boyfriend like Mikey, he was extremely fussy and all he wanted was cookies and pizza. He doesn't realise that people actually have balanced diets and you have to have something other then pizza.

Today though we'd decided to go to our local bathroom decoration shop it was fairly large and had a load's of different things. From decorative toilet seats to bubblegum flavoured soap. In your trolly so far were two extra toothbrushes for spare as you already had two at home, four towel's two large and two small. A load of toilet paper, extra soft and some baby wipes. We'd also bought some decorative shell's my choice to put on the windowsill and I had picked out different air fresheners. You'd gotten to the shower things and Michael had picked out something that wouldn't go with your bathroom. But the boy would not give up, you tried to ignore him after you told him no by going over to the shampoo and conditioner.

"Please babe" He pouted, giving me puppy dog eyes. He burrowed his face in my neck as I grabbed the strawberry shampoo and put it in the trolley. I gently pushed his face away from me, keeping my eyes on the conditioner not wanting to give into him. Michael snuck round to the front of the trolley as I grabbed the conditioner, I held it in my hand and watched Michael intently. He smiled looking around the trolley and threw the packet in it. I sighed in defeat and glared at him.

"Fine" I groaned rolling my eye's. Michael smiled cheekily and came round to the back of the trolley and behind me.

"Thank you baby girl" He said kissing the shell of my ear. I smiled at the nickname and turned my body round to face him. I ran my finger's over his beard slowly and leant forward, the smell of lavender filled the air due to the conditioner we were next too. I brushed my lips over his, feeling them tremble as he knew he couldn't resist and winked at him. Michael's eye's flickerd down to my lips and back up.

"You're welcome Daddy" I whispered against his lips. Michael let out a raspy growl pushing his head forward against mine and biting my lip, pulling it between his white teeth. I kissed him and pulled back, smiling innocently I turned back around and pushed the trolley away from him. Michael smirked and shook his head snapping out of it and taking a deep breath. I could feel his eye's burning into my ass and I turned around abruptly. Michael looked up and licked over his lips.

"Come on, let's check out"

"I'm perfectly fine checking you out" He grinned. I laughed and made my way to the checkout. We bought the items and carried the bags to our car, loading it up. We drove home and Michael had grabbed his 'gift' running straight to the bathroom. I carried the rest of the stuff in and put it on the floor. I walked into our kitchen and poured myself a glass of water, it dripping into my clear round glass. I leant against the kitchen side and listen to Michael's groans. I knew that Michael would get frustrated putting it up so I just let him be. Sipping away at my water and smiling to myself. After 5 minutes of waiting for him and scrolling through my Facebook feed I heard a booming voice echo through the house.

"Y/N come look" Michael yelled. I furrowed my eyebrows and placed my phone on the counter, walking towards the stairs. I clutched the banister and made my way up the stairs and towards the bathroom. I went through the door and laughed. Michael had set it all up, but dear god I hope they come off.

"Don't you just love it"

"No, if I want to play twister. I don't want it up against the wall and floor of my fucking shower"

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