Calum - Vampire

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Being born into a family of Vampire slayers was not easy. Every few weeks they would plan an attack making sure they had all equipment and have garlics around there neck if it went wrong. Most nights they would bring back a pair of fangs as a trophy. You always wanted to get out of the vampire slaying business, you'd never admit that though to your dad. When you were 5 your mum got killed by a vampire, your older brothers and father had always gone out killing as many vampires as they could. Once they even killed the queen vampire Liz Hemming's. She was adored amongst vampires, I had always heard stories about her and her vampire family. The Hemming's, Irwin's, Clifford's and my favourites the Hoods. Now it wasn't because they were the nicest vampires, far from that.

The Hood's were one of the most deadliest family vampires. There mother Joy, name deceiving against her actual personality. Joy was the mother, she would use calls to group up on people as some were hypnotised by the calls and she would pounce on the killing them and taking them back to her family. The hood father was a complete sicko, he was the one who would kill small children and teenagers, but thats all behind now because my father killed him. Mali-Koa the eldest of the children, she would lure the men in and kill them with some really cool things. I've hear she has a poison lipstick in which the poison from the fangs is made up into the shape of a common lipstick and used to drug men and kill them.

The worst Hood family member was Calum. He was the youngest of them and by far the smartest. My dad had managed to catch him on camera a few times and I've got to say I was hypnotised. He was beautiful and thats probably why he has the most kills being at the age of 20. Tonight you were planning on going hunting. You had been before, you had even killed one alongside your brothers. But tonight you were going alone and you were more excited then scared. Especially since it was Wednesday. This was the day Calum Hood was out and about, you knew that because you were patrolling him. He was clever but you were by far smarter. You had been watching his every move for around 2 months.

You walked into your front room dressed in leather jumper and leather pants strapped with a belt with Vampire weapons. Your hair was put up in a ponytail and your nails were sculptured to perfection. In my belt I had a knife, stun gun and a garlic spray. I also kept another knife strapped to my thigh and another in my boot. My dad was sat on the sofa along with my brothers as they watched some documentary on werewolves.

"Hey guys I'm off out tonight"

"You finally going to kill him" My eldest brother asked


"I want you to kill him, bring back his fangs" My dad said handing me a tub.

"Of course" I smiled. I walked out the front door strapping my back pack and slowly making my way towards the car. I drove to the place which Calum was always at, the willow forrest, but the place Calum was at was just on the outskirts of the forest a local pub which was shaded all round. It was the vampires favourite restaurant to go as they weren't exposed to much sunlight either, as most of them couldn't go into the sun unless they had a spell on them and the only ones who did were the Irwin family as they all went to school. Calum had a small spell on him that only made him stay in the sun for a hour a day, this is how he lures his victims into the forest, so then he can kill them.

I parked outside the forrest it wasn't dark yet. In fact all the children from the local school were coming out. I waited in my car watching all the school kids run out, I'm glad my family pulled me out of this shit-hole as a vampire hunter that was my actual job now. I got out of my car wearingly as I spotted Harry Irwin, the baby vampire. I walked passed him and he didn't seem to take any notice. I made my way behind the restaurant but saw him.

Calum Hood biting into some poor girls flesh, his next victim. I'm surprised he's doing it in the daylight. I ran over pushing Calum off her and got out my vampire sting gun and shot him. I bent down checking the girls pulse, she was still breathing, luckily. I felt Calum stir and got out my knife. He was too quick pushing me down and clamping my neck in his tanned hands. I squirmed underneath him as he leant down licking over my neck.

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