Bestfriends Sister: Sleepover pt.3

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Nikkis pov:
cam walked over to me bc i guess he seen my crying. i grabbed a pillow and spun around to hit him in the face. i guess i hit him so hard that he fell to the ground. "thats what yu get cam!" i said laughing. "dont ever play me like that again , you too brook!" i said still laughing. "alright , lets start this sleepover already" jacob said. "movie?" i said. "yesss!" everyone said in unison. "alright , scary or funny?" cam said ." scary !" we all yelled. we decided to watch Jack the Reaper. (if yu have netflix you should totally watch it😂i seen it w/my bestfriend*Sassy_sartorius knows who😂that is*  during class one time and i screamed in the middle of a presentation😂shet😬okay back to the story) while we were watching the movie we seem jack and cam and jacob screamed like a girl while me and brook yelled "HOLY SHET !! WHAT THE FAWK IS THAT!!"we busted out in laughs that we cried. we kept watching the movie and i started feeling really sleepy . i got up to go to my room and jacob pulled me back. "its okay , you can sleep here with me🙂" i layed back down and got comfortable in his arms. soon enough i was asleep. i woke up and the movie looked like it was about over. cam and brook were asleep. i looked over to jacob and he was asleep. i moved the slightest bit and jacob woke up. "jacob i have a plan to get back on those two for what they did earlier." i said. "okay , what is it?" i whispered into his ear the plan and we got up to work on it.

cams pov: i woke up to water being pored all over me. not just regular water , ice cold water . "AHHHHHH SO COLLDDD" i looked up to see brooklyn drenched in water and shivering. i look up even more and see nikki and jacob standing above us with EMPTY buckets of water. "NIKKI!!!! JACOB!!! YOU TOO ARE GONNA GET IT!!!!" i ran after them and chased them all through out the house. i got tired and just sat on the couch. i guess brook just went to go change. but she didnt have any extra clothes. but i brought extra clothes..i walked into the room we were staying in and i see brook wearing one of my t shirts and boxers. "u look adorable" i said. "thanks cam" i got changed and she plopped onto the bed. i jumped into bed with her and wrapped my arms around her. after about a couple of minutes i dosed off into a deep sleep.

jacobs pov:after we pored the water on cam he chased after us . we hid in a closet and after about 5min in this dark tiny closet me and nikki assumed he stopped looking. "sooo , pretty tight space were in here" i said. "yeah it is pretty small , we should get out." she said "yeh im getting a little colostrophobic in here" i said laughing. i walked out of the closet and so did nikki , but when she was getting out , she tripped on one of my penny boards and slipped. i caught her and she started laughing like crazy. "lets get yu to bed little mrs . clumsy" i said laughing. i took her to my room and laid her on my bed. she got into the covers and got comfortable. i pulled out a sleeping bag and layed it on the floor. i was about to lay down and nikki said "jacob sleep in the bed with me , you dont have to sleep on the floor its okay." before she could say anything else i turned off the lights and jumped into the covers. i wrapped my arms around her and she with that she was asleep. "goodnight nikki..." i kissed her forhead and said "yur the best thing thats ever happened to me , i want to call yu mine" and with that i fell asleep.

nikkis pov:i heard everything jacob said. he thought i was asleep , but i wasnt. if only he knew the truth.

BOOM ANOTHA ONE.😂✌🏻️❤️I start school tmrow so send help plz🔫✌🏻️😭😂😂' comment. on this book &' Sassy_sartorius book bc , well , im telling you too , and you just might get a follow back if yu comment that yu did down im the comments so yeah. BUT JUST DO IT BC I LOVE HER AND SHE IS MY TWINN AND LIKE MY BESTFRIEND DUHH!❤️👯😊😂Goodnight and wish me luck on my first day back to hell! oops i meant school😂🙂actually no i didnt its like hell !!✌🏻️🔫😭😂😂Goodnight GUCCI mamas!🌙✨❤️😂


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