Chapter Three

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It was Jamie's bright idea that we all ride in the same car, Peter's car. Now I don't know anything about cars except for the fact that they have four wheels and need gas to run but this car was wow! I bet it came with a big price tag though. "Whoa, awesome car!" Jamie said while hopping in the passenger seat next to Peter. Derrick sat in the back next to me. "So where are you guys dragging me to?" I asked. Peter and Derrick laughed while Jamie replied teasingly, "Some restaurant that you'll hate!" "Aw my favorite," I pronounced sarcastically. Jamie turned his head around and looked at me. "It's good to get out every once in a while, Lana." Jamie said while staring me down. I felt a lump clot my throat. Jamie was right and he was openly confronting me about it which no one has bothered to do yet. Ever since my mother's death I've changed. I've been blocking things out, my family, music, life. Sure I was still the same old me most of the time but sometimes I locked myself up and hid from the world. I used to be so outgoing and popular. I even used to sing openly for people, but things are different, for now. 

Peter and Derrick gave each other a confused glance, not understanding what Jamie and I were talking about. I switched my position towards the window while Jamie sighed and turn back to face the front. The guys kept the conversation flowing until we arrived at what looked like a packed Italian restaurant. "Is it just us coming or did you all invite other people?" I questioned. "All of our brothers will be here and probably a bunch of people from our college and your high school." "Great," I muttered under my breath. "Don't worry we don't bite," Derrick smirked while putting his arm around me. I blushed at even the thought of this gorgeous man touching me. We all walked into the restaurant and it dawned on me that Cameron was a part of their family so he would be here. My heart raced as I saw him and his other two brothers sitting in a large booth. Peter, Derrick, Jamie, and I went to join them. Suddenly questions began popping into my head. Why was I even here? We've only lived here for a few days I still don't know a lot of people. It makes sense though for Jamie to already have friends. His college semester started around a month ago so he left before us. "Guys, you all know Jamie and this is his sister Alana." Peter said. Everyone greeted each other. "Jamie bro, I never knew you had two younger sisters." Drew the second youngest said. "Yeah man there's my older sister Savannah, me, Addie, and then baby Alana here." Jamie smiled. I winced while hearing Savannah's name and at being called the baby. Savannah and I haven't gotten along since the accident, she knows the truth.

"Aren't you the new girl who told off Caitlin today?" Noah the third oldest brother asked. "Yes," I said while giving a devilish grin. "That was pretty amazing. I don't think anyone has ever told her off like that before," Drew claimed. "Awesome sis, it's your first day and you already have an enemy." Jamie commented. "I didn't really mean to offend her I guess, but when someone messes with me I don't hesitate to defend myself." I explained. Finally Cameron who had been silent throughout dinner spoke up, "It was rather harsh don't you think?" I was confused, "Excuse me?" "You didn't have to be so mean to her!" What is going on here was he defending the little brat? "Well I'm sorry," I said stunned. Why on Earth was I apologizing she was the one who was causing all of this trouble. "I'm gonna head out," Cameron muttered before making a dash to out the door. I looked down perplexed. "Don't let him bother you he was just trying to defend his girlfriend." Peter said while breaking the silence. "They are going out?" I asked disappointed. Okay, sure I did feel something went I first gazed upon him but it must have just been my hormones talking. Obviously this guy was in a relationship, with an ogre, and he was defending her honor. Not that she has any or anything. Whatever I felt about him in class today vanished. I came out of deep thought and tuned back into the guy's conversation. "All of us don't have any liking at all towards her but Cameron can't help it." Derrick said to me. But he glanced at his brothers and gave a look which seemed to have a hidden meaning behind it.

Minutes passed and I found myself becoming drearier by the second. "Sorry to spoil the fun guys but I'm really tired." "It's no problem I'll take you home," Derrick said. "Okay sounds good," I replied with a grateful smile. Was it just me or did Derrick seem way too eager to drive with me, alone? "You've barely eaten your dinner," Jamie noticed. "Sorry, I'm not that hungry." I meekly replied. Jamie gave me his famous concerned look and I knew he was about to give me a lecture. "Before you go, come talk with me outside." Jamie demanded. I sighed and scooted out of the booth. He didn't take me far, just right outside the restaurant. The Anthony brothers were still in seeing distance. "Alana, look at me!" Jamie demanded. "Yes?" "Are you eating?" He questioned. "Of course Jamie I am eating. Stop worrying so much." After mom passed I didn't eat much. I wasn't purposely trying to starve myself or anything but I just lost the will to eat. I've gotten better, I eat when I am hungry but I am really prone to losing my appetite. "Sorry Lana, but it's hard not to. All of us have been worried." He said while listing Dad and Addie's names. "Jamie, I am fine." "Are you, because it sure does not feel that way at all. I mean come on Alana you haven't sung since 'the night'." "Jamie," I whined. "It's true!" He shouted.

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