Chapter Seventeen

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Shattered Howls

Chapter Seventeen

Sweaty Palms


The word rang through my head, trying to register the absolute meaning. Girlfriend, I smiled. It was a word of commitment. Derrick wanted me to commit myself to him and he the same. My heart pounded with excitement. I can’t help the way I already feel for him, it’s impossible. I just have this nagging feeling that I was meant to be with him. Something told me that this boy was supposed to help me. Who knows maybe he can help guide me through my awful past. A past I was still unwilling to think about or acknowledge with anyone, except maybe Derrick. Maybe he is the key to my whole predicament. Maybe.

I was so focused with my own thoughts a forgot to give Derrick an answer. He stared down at me, waiting impatiently. Usually I would want to toy with him maybe make him sweat a little before I gave him an answer. But this was not the time. My mouth craved to tell him yes. And so I did.

We ended up in another lip lock, which lasted only a few seconds to my dismay.

“You just made my whole day. Hell my whole year.” He smiled.

I concentrated everything on us at the time, I nearly forgot that his parents were waiting. My palms began to sweat nervously as Derrick guided me towards the back of the mansion.

“Don’t worry, they will love you. No doubts about it.” Derrick tried comforting me but I was still overly nervous. I wanted his parents to like me and I wanted to like them as well.

Derrick and I entered a living room filled with family portraits, large seating couches, and mounds of draperies. It had a golden era theme to it, making it look extravagant.

In the right hand corner sat to adults around their late forties or early fifties. They both looked pristine and sharp. Power surfaced around their bodies, it was an unfamiliar feeling to me. Usually cops gave off that whole authority aura not regular people. Although since these people obviously had money, maybe they held some important political role or something.

I constantly wiped my palms on my jeans, trying to rub off the sweat. When we were a good four feet away from the couple they stood up with wide grins on their faces.

“Oh Derrick, isn’t she a beauty!” Said his mother. I sighed in relief. At least she though I was decent looking.

“I am Sheila Anthony.” She smiled before hugging me in a tight grip. I was begging to lose oxygen quickly.

“Let her breath hun, you’re going to kill her before you even get to know her.” Mr. Anthony called out.

“Sorry dear, when Derrick said he found his ma-. I mean you, I was so happy. He never brings girls home.” She gleamed.

Well I guess it’s good to know Derrick wasn’t a man whore or anything. He never seemed like that type of guy to me but you never know.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Anthony.” I politely responded.   

“Well you are quite a looker if I do say myself.” Joked Mr. Anthony. I blushed nervously again.

He held out his hand and I shook it firmly, his grip wasn’t as hard as I expected it to be.

“I’m Jim Anthony, welcome to the family darling.”

They seemed so happy, but for what? Just to meet little ole me?

The rest of the night was fun and stress free. I actually really liked Derrick’s parents. They were warm and welcoming. It made me so to see them together, I wish my mom and dad could still be together. But I messed that up…

Jamie and I drove home, gossiping about the night’s events.

“I mean did you see that goal! The puck went perfectly into the net!” He started.

I had enough hockey talk at their house and I didn’t want to here anymore from Jamie.

“Can we please go a couple minutes without talking about sports!?” I asked frustrated.

Jamie pouted, “Derrick would listen to me.”

I laughed at his baby-like expression. “Yeah because Derrick is a guy. I am not, therefore wait until you see him again to talk about anything sports related.”

“Fine, we’re almost home anyway.” He replied annoyed.

Two minutes later we pulled up our driveway and noticed an unfamiliar car parked in front of our house.

“Do you know whose car that is?” Jamie asked.

“No clue.”

We walked up the icy drive way and quickly rushed into our warm home. Chatter was coming from the kitchen so Jamie and I walked towards it. I was in no way prepared to see who stood near the counter with a grimace on their face. They were in no shape or form happy to see me. And I was more than horrified to see them.

People are right when they say your past always comes back to haunt you.  

 I updated! YAY!! Sorry for the wait:(  Who do yall think this mystery person is? Comment and lets see who guesses right!! Hope everyone liked the chapter:) VOTE< COMMENT<FAN for MORE!



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