Chapter Four

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Addie drove us to school today so I tried my best to seem cool and calm once we were in the car. I couldn't let her know that I had a nightmare or else she'll ask me about day in and day out. I loved my older sis, she always did her best to look out for me but she could really become annoying sometimes. "So you went out with the Anthony brothers last night? Care to tell me why I wasn't invited?" I began laughing at her sudden jealousy, "I was forced to go, sorry Addie I would have invited you but you sounded like you would be fine with your plans already." "Mmk whatever," she muttered. I knew she'll be angry for a couple of days; she always is when she doesn't have what she wants. In this case she desperately wanted to have had the opportunity to chill with the brothers. 

We pulled up to the school then headed our separate ways. I walked down the halls by myself feeling rather empty. I needed some social contact, so I went to class early and started up a conversation with Emily and the other girls. I learned a lot about them and they seemed interested in me as well. I told them some basics, even though they already knew a few things from lunch yesterday. We got to the topic of my dad being the music teacher and according to Emily he was sexy for a teacher. "Ew, gross please don't tell me that!" I responded. We all laughed in unison then our teacher walked in and began lecturing us on some boring archeologist.

I began to sink back into my chair and the length of time that my eyes blinked increase by thoughts traveled back to my dream last night. I felt sadness over take me as I remembered hearing my mother play. Then I became curious when recalling that all the Anthony brothers were there. Why were they in my dream and who were the other people with them? My mother said "They will protect you. But be careful they are not always what they seem." What could these boys be beyond boys? I shook the thought away and made my way to lunch. It's hard to believe I was day dreaming for all four periods. I was already three months behind; this isn't going to be good for my school work. I entered the cafeteria and saw the girls waving me over from their table. 

I was beginning to walk over there when Noah and Drew signaled me over to their table as well. I didn't see Peter or Derrick here today and Caitlin already had her arms protectively wrapped around Cameron so I thought sitting with the girls was a better idea. "Hey Alana want to come join us?" Noah politely asked. Caitlin gave me a menacing scowl with furred eyebrows and a wrinkled forehead that made her age twenty years. "Thanks guys maybe some other time. I'm gunna go sit with the girls today." "Alright sit with us tomorrow then, Derrick will be here." Drew said. 

When he said that Derrick would be there he sounded as if it was a bribe to bring me on over. Sadly it sounded pretty darn good to me. "Sounds good see you guys later." I stared at Caitlin, "That face really suits you Caitlin." I said before leaving the guys behind in a muffled laughter. Emily, Taylor, and Mia seemed shocked to see me as I sat down at the table. "What are you doing?" Mia abruptly asked. "Oh um I'm sorry do you guys not want me to sit here?" I asked confused. "Alana, it's totally fine that you sit here with us, we love having you. But..." "But what," I asked. "Why would you ever turn down an invite to the Anthony brother's table?" Taylor demanded. "Well because I wanted to sit with you guys." I answered flatly. 

All their faces brightened up. "Wow Alana you are like the sweetest person ever." Mia complimented. "Thanks. I enjoy hanging out with you guys." "So what's the scoop? Does Noah or Drew like you or something?" Emily asked. "What? No we are just friends, I think." "You think?" The all asked in unison. "We are." I stated. "I still don't know them very well but at dinner last night they all seemed pretty nice." I said by accident. It wasn't until after the girls demanded details that I figured out that I gave away too much info. "You had dinner?

With all of them?" They questioned. It took me a total of ten minutes to explain everything and get them to settle down. "Hmm if I didn't know any better, I think Derrick has a little crush on you." Emily said. "What? No! We hardly know each other!" 

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