Chapter Eight

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Broken Keys- Chapter Eight

“Paul?” I questioned.

“The one and only,” he winked. I rolled my eyes at him.

“What are you doing out here?” I asked. “That’s funny I should ask you the same question.” He responded. “You know, it is very dangerous for such a young, pretty girl to be out here all alone.”

“I can take care of myself, thank you very much!” I exclaimed before passing by him and continuing my path home. I heard him make a small laugh, which annoyed me even more. “I’ll take you home.” He declared. “Come on.”

I knew it was probably a stupid idea to trust a stranger, one that Derrick specifically told me to stay away from, but I was lost. If I didn’t accept his offer I would never have found my way home. Plus who knew what kind of creepers were wandering around this area? I could have been kidnapped by a child molester for heaven’s sake! I have seen enough episodes of “Law and Order: SVU” to know the nasty things that those crazy people do. Paul’s offer seemed better and better as time passed.

“Okay, fine.” I replied.

He beamed a smile that would most likely make a million girls faint. But I’m not like those girls. “Wow, I didn’t think you would give in so easy. This relationship might be easier than I thought.” Paul smiled.

“I have no other way home and we don’t have a relationship. Can you please just take me to your car?” I asked annoyed.

Once again Paul laughed. “Car? Who said anything about a car?”

I gave him a confused look as he pulled me over to the sidewalk. My mouth dropped into a round O as I starred down at a motorcycle. “Hell no.” I stated.

“Come on you big baby! How else are you gunna get home?” Paul laughed.

“On anything but that! Do you know how dangerous those things are?” I shouted.

“Relax,” He said while handing me a helmet. He straddled his legs over the seat, and then revved up the engine. “Come on, Alana! Now or never!”

With uncertainty, I copied Paul’s movements and climbed onto the bike. “Jesus, save me!” I cried as we rode off down the street.

My mother would kill me if she saw me doing this. Oh wait, but she’s dead.

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